"Despair" | ⛈

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About: Zander

Ship: A Little Platonic Lander (Luke x Zander) and Zailey (Zander x Hailey) -please don't ship this romanticly 🥲

Genre: Angst ⛈

Note: This Takes Place in Middle School

TW: Bullying, Trauma, Homophobia


Zander slammed his door shut, throwing his bag aggressively on the ground. He'd just for home from a dreadful day at school. Rain harshly pattered against his window, making the lighting somewhat dark, seeing as there wasn't a light on at the moment.

Zander sat down at his desk, watching the rain bicker and clatter against his window. He sighed, placing his head on his hands which were resting on the desk. Zander tried to fight back the tears he was keeping in since school, but failed, miserably. He began to sob uncontrollably, sniffling and crying until he felt somewhat at ease.

Zander couldn't forget what happened today. He tried, but he just couldn't. It's one of those things that's impossible to forget, even if you turn your attention to something else, you still fail to forget. Zander's glossy, violet, tear-stained eyes made its way to the window in front of him. His mind began to replay what happened for the, what felt like, one hundredth time.


He walked swiftly down the hall, books in-hand, wanting no attention from anyone. Zander's head and gaze was fixed to the floor, his mind wondering. He took another swift step before,

"Watch where your going, freak!" Hissed a male voice. Not just any male voice. His most terrible bully's voice.

"Er, sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Did I ask? No I don't think so." He said, shoving Zander to the floor, his books scattering. Some turned upside down so it's pages were folded.

Zander's eyes, full of nothing but purple haze brought its way up toward the young man's envious, emerald, green eyes. People started staring at them, not helping, but watching. The green eyed man took advantage of that.

"So when's your cute little boyfriend coming to save you hm?" He chuckled, gaining a few more from the nearby crowd. Zander tensed up, taking his periwinkle, violet eyes off the green eyed boy, shutting them tight.

"Shut up." Zander muttered, his cold, frosted tone spoke.

"No one asked you, fag."

That's when it hit him, not just the harsh words, stabbing deep into his heart, shattering it to millions of minute pieces, but the throbbing pain that his side had felt being kicked up against the lockers.

Zander tensed, his head throbbing as it hit the locker, he slowly sat in a sitting position, hugging his knees tight, waiting for the chaos to come to an end. The people surrounding him began whispering things.

Hurtful things.

Damaging things.

The green eyed boy smiled, walking away with a look of pride on his face. Just then, Luke came running up to Zander, worried, he crouched down.

"Zander?! What happened? What's wrong?" He asked, his tone packed with panic and fear. Zander looked at him, the sparkle in his violet eyes twinkling like he were about to break down into an eternal state of sadness.

Zander's gaze fell onto Luke's golden honey gaze. Before Luke could ask anymore questions, Zander fell into Luke's arms. In the middle of the hallway, all watching, all staring. Luke let out a small gasp, only to be heard of those near him. His expression softened a bit, turning worried. Zander wasn't exactly crying, but it felt like if someone just touched his fragile heart it would shatter, leaving Zander a sobbing mess.

But Zander didn't cry, he just sat there, in Luke's arms, on the hard flooring of the school, wanting it all to end, wanting his pain and suffering all to end.


Zander sighed, snapping out of thought and recollecting himself. Still sniffling and watching the rain downpour on his window. Just then, he heard a light knock on his door. Before Zander could tell them to leave, they opened the door, the bright light coming from the hallway outside leaking into his room.

"Zander?" That was Hailey. Zander's beloved step-sister.

"What?" He asked, still sniffling, his head turned away from her.

"Um...Luke told me what happened at school today..." Hailey started, her onyx eyes drifting off to the hardwood flooring of Zander's room. Zander tensed up, his gaze turning toward Hailey who took a few steps closer to him, still standing directly in front of him.

Zander locked eyes with her. Hailey could see the hurt and dread in them. Her expression weakened as she gazed upon Zander's hurt one. He then stood up, running to her arms and began to sob uncontrollably again.

Hailey sighed, burying her head in Zander's shoulder. The two step-siblings stood there, holding each other in despair.

Despair. That's what happened. That's what happens.




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Word Count: 808

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