"I Adore You" | ❤️☀️

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Ship: Zelliot 💜💗 (Zander x Elliot)

Genre: Romantic Fluff ❤️☀️

Requested By: IJustExisting


    Zander was currently in class, on the verge of falling asleep. The teacher was giving a lecture in great detail on George Washington's entire life. Halfway through, Zander was basically asleep with a few slaps on the arm by his desk mate, and his step-sister, Hailey to stay awake.

    There was a reason he was tired. Yesterday he got a love letter by an anonymous person, and Zander being Zander tried for almost the entire night analyzing the mystery person's handwriting, yet he couldn't lay his hand on it. Deep down Zander had a hunch on who he thought it was, but he didn't want to be so certain that it was who he thought until he knew for sure.

    "Alright class! No homework for tonight, but make sure to study for that test this Friday!" Ms. J said as the bell rang.

    Zander and Hailey walked down the hall together to their lockers. It was the end of the day, finally. It felt like this day just dragged on, partially because of that love note. Zander rubbed his eyes and let out a small yawn. Hailey glanced at her step-brother.

    "Okay, why are you so tired?" She asked. Zander simply looked down at her and hummed,

    "I don't know." He didn't feel like giving a direct answer because if he did, he'd never here the end of it coming from his sister.

    "Tell meee" Hailey, pleaded, dragging out the "me" for more desperation. Zander sighed, fiddling with his hands before mumbling something.

    "What was that?" Hailey asked.

    "I received a love note yesterday and I stayed up last night until like, 3 am trying to figure out who it was from, and now I'm supposed to meet this mysterious person in like, 10 minutes." Zander said quickly and quietly.

    "Really? Aww~" Hailey teased, leaning towards her brother. Zander scoffed.

    "Shut up." He said, crossing his arms and letting his tired gaze drift off.

    The siblings neared their lockers, putting their belongings away inside and grabbing their backpacks, ready to go home. Zander reached his hand inside his pocket, pulling out the love note. It said to meet them at the school gardens.

    "Uhm, Hailey I'm gonna go see what this person wants, I'll be right back." Zander said, scratching the back of his neck.

   "Okay, fill me in once your done!~" Hailey said with full amusement for Zander's embarrassment.

    Zander excited the building from the back and made his way through the crowded students to the garden. It was a very peaceful walk there. There was a light breeze, but nothing major. The spring air flowed through Zander's curled, coiffed locks. Before entering the school garden, Zander raked his painted finger nails through his fringed bangs, attempting to neat them as best he could. Zander took a deep breath. He could feel himself trembling a bit as he stepped in.

    Zander's heart quickened as he saw him. The most beautiful man he'd ever laid eyes on. He smiled before walking up to him. The man had his back turned and looked to be mumbling something under his breath quietly.

    "Elliot?" Zander's calmed, hushed voice called. Elliot whipped his head around in surprise. Elliot wore a dark cyan blazer and a little daisy in the pocket of it. His light pink hair softly flowed a bit by the movement.

    "O-oh!...Hey," he stammered. Zander put a hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat throb, going at a rapid pace. He took a few steps closer to Elliot. The two were standing only a few feet away from each other now.

    "So, you um, wanted to see me right? You had something you needed to tell me?" He asked with a light smile, trying to calm both himself and Elliot.

    "Oh! Um, yeah! I do.." Elliot said, pushing his glasses up over his nose a tad more.

    "Alright, go ahead." Zander said with a large grin appearing on his face.

    "Zander...I um, I just wanted to tell you that..that I think your a wonderful person. You make my day a little bit better each time I see you- wait no, scratch that, you make my day so much better each time I see you, and I just wanted to tell you that..that I um.." Elliot trailed off, his brown gaze turning to a bed of light purple roses.

    Elliot let out a shaky breath and picked one, walking up to Zander so they were now about a foot apart. He held the rose, putting it in Zander's hair. Zander's amethyst eyes lit up, dancing at the sight of Elliot standing before him. His mouth gaped a bit as they laid their glistening eyes on each other.

    Elliot smiled, reaching his hand back.

    "I wanted to tell you that I really like you, Zander. You light up my world. I admire your flaws, I admire your personality, I admire how you talk to your friends, I admire you smile," Elliot paused, taking Zander's hands and intertwining them with his own.

    "I admire you. I love you, Zander." He said, his eyes glistening with a couple wholesome tears. Zander melted into his gaze before speaking up,

    "I love you, too!" He finally said. His voice hushed into a whisper as the two stared into each other's twinkling, shining, eyes. Elliot took his hands off of Zander's and placed them gently on his waist. Zander rested his hands on Elliot's chest as the two indecisively pull into a passionate, yet soft kiss.

    Zander's hands traveled to his cheek, cupping Elliot's face. The two stayed there for what seamed like forever before slowly pulling away. They both smiled, gazing into each other's eyes. A comforting silence between them.

    "So what does this make us?" Zander asked, lightly playing. Elliots face turned bright pink.

    "I um- well, I, what do you want to be?" He asked, stammering on his words again. Zander let out an amused, light, laugh.

    "Your boyfriend?" He smiled. Elliot nodded, his own bright smile coming back.

    "I'd like that."

Hailey: mission success ✌️


Word Count: 1022

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