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sorry for not doing an imagine in a hot minute. I been meeting with friends and socialising. ugh I hate socialising 😫

anyways here we are with yet again  another imagine and thank you nearly 600 views! I'm acc so happy.

enjoy :]


Y/n was crushing a boy's throat with her foot.

"Y/n, I think that's quite enough." A woman's voice emerges from behind her.

"Who said I couldn't kill him?" She retorts.

The boy was around her age, physically.

"Now, now, darling, that wouldn't be what I told you to do." The woman pouts and Y/n looks at her.

"Ugh, fine." The girl steps off his throat and he breathes again.

He gets up and tries to punch the girl but she stops him with her mind and his hand is stuck.

She smirks. The boy gives up and looks between them both.

"So you gonna tell me who this is?" The boy looks at the older woman, he seems to know her.

"Yes, this is Y/n, a highly trained assassin and currently the most dangerous in the commission. She is also my biological daughter." The woman smiles at Y/n.

The girl doesn't smile back but has slight grin. The boy frowns and tries to process.

"So you had a daughter this whole time? Is she one of the 43?" He spurts out questions.

"Yes and.. yes." The woman replies.

"So how is she young?" He asks.

"The same way you're young, physically." She shrugs.

"So why was she crushing my windpipe?" He questions yet again.

"Because.. I have an offer for you."

The boy rolls his eyes. "Five, we miss you at the commission. You gave us a lead of life, and now.. well.. we have
Y/n here.. who happens to need a partner in crime." The woman says or more, suggests.

"Wait what? You never told me I was getting partnered up." The girl is frowning alongside the boy.

They both look at each other entirely confused. "Well-" The woman starts but is cut off.

"No. I don't need a partner, mom. Am I not capable of handling myself? I think I'm doing just fine on my own." Y/n says with extreme aggression.

"Yeah I agree with mini handler on this. I do not need a partner nor do I need to even work for you." Five exclaims.

"You know what? You can have your organisation, mom. I'll be somewhere else, not thinking about the stupid commission. I've been your little servant since I was 7." Y/n is frustrated.

Five nods his head in agreement with the girl.

Y/n leaves the building with a badass strut.

The handler stands there in shock.

"Since she was 7? That's harsh. Even for you." Five shakes his head and walks just behind Y/n.

Five catches up to her. "So you're little handler?" He jokes.

"Never call me that." Y/n bluntly says.

"Okay, noted." Five nods.

Y/n rolls her eyes and stops. Five stops too and furrows his brows.

"Look, I go solo now, handsome." Y/n walks off leaving Five stood there with a slightly taken aback expression.

She's a maneater.


Y'all why not make Y/n a total badass? She deserves some credit for all of the wattpad stories she has to experience.

I know I said the story I'm working on will be out soon but I gotta admit I'm still figuring it out so gimme a little bit of time and I will be out.

ily all <3

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