The Egg - Corrupted!Skeppy x Reader

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Setting & AU: Dream SMP/Real Life Minecraft

Type: uh Angst?

TW: Idk some cussing(like one word)

Word Count: 1484

You had just gotten back from the nether after spending a good hour and a half mining for netherite. You walked into your house opening a secret door and walked in to find your storage room. You went to the single chest where you stored the netherite you found and put it away before leaving the room and closing the hidden door with a button that was camouflaged into the wood of the inside of your house. You were just about to walk upstairs when a knock on the door came. You let out an annoyed sigh because you were hoping to just be able to read uninterrupted for a good portion of the day. Opening the door it was Skeppy but something was highly off about him the blue's of his clothes were now red and you could have sworn there was a hint of red in his eyes as well... you shrugged it off, maybe it's just a new look.

"Uh, Hiya Skeppy what brings you to my house?" You asked raising an eyebrow.

"Just wanted to stop by and see a friend!" He said happily giving you a sweet smile.

"If you say so, come in," You said stepping to the side slightly so there was room for him to enter.

He shook his head still smiling "I actually wanted to show you something if that's okay with you?" He asked.

"Uh, sure I guess," You replied stepping outside and locking the door behind you.

Skeppy started walking and you followed him wondering if you should bring up his new appearance. But you quickly got lost in your thoughts because you remembered he wasn't the only one who looked different. Ant and Bad were also different you remember talking to them yesterday, Ant's eyes were no longer a clear blue but were more of a pinkish-red and bad's clothes were no longer red but were white. The only person that was still well normal was Sam you don't talk to him often since he is so busy with being warden of Pandora's Vault but two days ago you saw him and he warned you about something happening in the badlands but what was it again?...

~ Two Days Ago with Awesamedude ~

"Y/U/N!" Sam yelled to you and waved to you in the distance.

You stood up from the flowers you were planting and looked in the direction of Sam.

He came running to you before skidding to a stop beside you but he didn't have a happy expression on it was an expression of worry.

"What's wrong Sam?" You asked him.

"You need to leave the badlands now," He said in a worried and rushed voice.

"what? why?" You asked dumbstruck to why Sam was telling you to leave the badlands.

"It's Bad and Ant and even Skeppy their not themselves anymore because of this thing they call The Egg," He said grabbing the sides of your arms a pleading look in his eyes.

"Please you need to leave I don't want you to get hurt, if any of them bring you to The Egg and you don't want to join them they'll hurt you, you need to leave the badlands before it's too late!" Sam said.

"Sam... I- I can't leave the badlands... its my home and you, skeppy, bad, and ant are my friends I can't just leave," You said with a saddened expression.

Sam looked like he was almost on the verge of tears but he just nodded understanding that you didn't want to leave "Please just be careful..." He said letting go of your arms and turning away from you before leaving and heading back to Pandora's Vault.

~ Back to Present Time ~

You were snapped out of your thoughts by the sight of these red vines. You looked around realizing they were everywhere and it looked as if they were still growing. The memory of Sam's warning put you on edge at the sight of these vines. You looked up to see Bad and Ant. The two of them saw you and Skeppy and waved to the two of you. You followed Skeppy as he approached Bad and Ant. What was weird is that there wasn't really any verbal interaction between the three it was like they just talked to each other telepathically.

"If you could Y/U/N can you just put all your stuff into this chest?" Ant asked placing the chest down.

"um... why?" You asked.

"Please??? I can't show you what I want to show you if you don't put your stuff in the chest" Skeppy pleaded.

You let out a sigh, red flags were going off in your brain but you knew hand-to-hand so you weren't 100% defenseless but your sword and shield always made you feel safer. You put your items and weapons in the chest but you were cautionary enough to keep a single ender pearl in your inventory. They didn't know you had ender pearls with you but you had a feeling that they trusted you enough to not ask any questions if you had anything else on you. Once the chest was closed Skeppy grabbed your hand and seemed to happily drag you to the source of these red vines. Skeppy stopped at a ledge and motioned for you to jump down. You looked at him confused but he just gave you a reassuring smile. You jumped down and hit water, making a loud splashing sound and you heard Skeppy land right behind you. The cavern was light up by glowstones and the red vines were everywhere. In the middle of it all was a giant red egg. Your heart started to race, this was what Sam was trying to warn you about, it never occurred to you what was happening here until now, you finally understood why there were eggpire banners hung almost everywhere and why the others had changed, it was because of this egg? can you even call it that it's too big to be anything normal or even from here. For some reason, you had the urge to destroy it, to get rid of it forever. Perhaps Sam had tried to do the same thing but he was stopped? It hadn't occurred to you before but you remembered there seemed to be dried blood on Sam's golden armour. Something was up and it wasn't good and you had a feeling it had to do with whatever this egg is.

"Come on! I wanna show you the egg I know you'll love it," Skeppy said treading out of the water and onto a path, he offered his hand to help you out of the water.

"uh- okay..." You said unsure of how to respond, you took his hand and he lifted you out of the water.

He walked over to the egg and you were slightly behind him. You looked up at the egg examining it trying to figure out what the fuck it was or is, to be honest, you didn't know. Well whatever this thing was you hated it and wanted to destroy it. There was something off about Skeppy he was close to the egg... listening to it?

Suddenly you heard a splash somewhere behind you and then two others followed it.

"Y/U/N GET OUT OF HERE!" You heard a voice call to you, it was Sam.


You turned around and saw a wounded Sam but it didn't seem to bother him, as he made his way onto the path he was now locked into combat with Ant and Bad. You couldn't help Sam you had no armour and nothing to actually block the swords and axes.

"Listen Sam the only way Y/U/N can stay here and allow me and the others to protect them they have to submit to the egg and join the eggpire," Skeppy said there was something sinister in his voice.

A shiver ran down your spine as Skeppy approached you. You didn't know why but you felt frozen, you could move every signal in your brain was telling you to run get sam and ender pearl both of you out but you couldn't move. You realized it was the tone of Skeppy's voice he never talked like that, it wasn't him, right?

"Sorry about this Y/N but you'll have to stay here until you can finally join us" Skeppy said stepping in front of you giving a reassuring yet sinister smile.

After he said that everything went black the last this you heard was a desperate yell from Sam trying to get to you.

//AN: This was long... hope ya liked it tho//

𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓪𝓾𝓼𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓶𝔂 𝓔𝓾𝓹𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓪~MCYT x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now