Chapter 2

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The sky was still dark and the stars danced without a care as I walked closer to the tall grey building in front of me. I usually get here before everyone else is even awake because it's just better that way. Everyday I have to walk to school from home and the forest is quiet and peaceful. No cars, no people, no anything. Just the calm sound of nature.

I walked through the building to class 120. My first class of the day is my improv class. This class is boring but it's easy to pass. If only my other classes were like this one. I walked to the door and Mrs. Arrow was sitting at her desk reading.

"Good Morning Mrs. A"

"Good Morning Nixie"

Mrs. Arrows has always been there for me when life got stressful. She listens and tries to help me best she can with my other classes. She is friends with most of my teachers so she gets the answer sheets to all of my work. I sat in my seat in the back of the room while the other student poured into the room. We had group presentations today so the class went by pretty fast.

The bell rang and I started going upstairs to my Psychology class. My teacher for this class is a little crazy but so is the subject so it works out. Mr. Wood was going on and on about how parenting techniques can mentally damage kids. He talked for the entire class and told us to write a paragraph if our parents used the techniques he talked about while raising us. Before I walked out he told me if I had too much other homework I didn't have to do it.

My parents didn't mentally damage me, my dot did. All my stress and worry is because of it. I was so wrapped in my thoughts I didn't notice that someone had bumped into me until I was on the ground. That someone was my best friend Aaron.

"Just as clumsy as always Nix" Aaron smiled and helped me up.

"You know it. Ready for biology?" I smiled back.

Aaron rolled his eyes knowing my smile was fake. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we went to biology.

Thankfully Aaron and I sit next to each other. I would not be able to pass without his help. His dot is blue so he is good at all this medical stuff. We sat down and our teacher was late which isn't new. He showed up halfway through and told us to finish our projects on heart surgeries.

Aaron and I were already done with the project so we were just talking while I did some other work I had piling up.

"So did you do your history project yet?" Aaron already knows that I forgot because it's impossible.

"How am I supposed to write about the history of my dot when no one in history had one?"

I looked back at Aaron. He thinks if I look hard enough then I'll find something. He is super hopeful and optimistic. It's surprising how we get along so well. The bell rang and our teacher had an announcement before we left.

"Your projects are due tomorrow!"

We nodded and walked out. I was not ready for history. I was going to have to pretend to write an essay with no information. My teacher seems convinced if I look hard enough I'll find something. I didn't believe him then and I still don't. When we walked in before I sat down Mr. Moon called me over.

"Have you found anything yet?"

"No," I said simply, my head slightly tilted towards the floor.

"I know this seems impossible but," He reached into a drawer on his desk and pulled out a sticky note, "there is a book in the library with the information you want, however, it is not very popular"

I nodded my head as to say thank you and went to sit down. Aaron asked what that was about and I showed him the note with the book title scribbled on it. The book is called 'Untold Stories no one Will Tell You'

"That's a weird title for a book, Phoenix"

"I know. How would Mr. Moon know this existed?"

Before Aaron could answer Mr. Moon started his lecture and we had to start taking notes. I couldn't understand a single thing going on. There were words and questions ringing and bouncing around in my head. How does he know about this? What could be so important? Why doesn't anyone know about it? Why wasn't my family and I told?

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