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Natsu and Lucy talk a little bit more with each other than, Natsu, decides to go home and let the girl have some alone time to give. Natsu knows that dealing with loss is hard, and it's not easy to ask for help when dealing with it.

Lucy: * sits on the same spot as she did before, and gently touches the place Natsu was sitting to feel the warmth of another person around her just for a little bit, then she starts to eat her food she ordered while feeling still alone but a little less alone, knowing that Natsu is not such a bad person, just someone that locket himself away from the world, like she did, to hide away from the pain.

The next day

Lucy: * opens her window for the first time in ages, and she sees how overgrown and messed up her backyard has become, from her negligences while grieving over her loss* -_- I really let things get this bad jeez I'm such a mess * she goes downstairs and eats breakfast. After breakfast, she goes out to the backyard into the waist tall grass and weed and stobs her leg in something* ugh what the hell * she lifts it up and she sees that it's an old car bumper* what in hell is this doing here, did people trow their junk here. * she walks around the yard more and finds more crazy things in the grass old bike empty bottles and so on* -_- this is what I get for not looking after my own home*

Lucy goes to the old shed and opens the door and takes out some tools to help her gather up the trash in her yard, while still not being able to move easily in the grass, since she doesn't know what's hidden in it. She spends a couple of hours collecting trash and taking it to the dumpster down the street while she goes back and forth she realizes how bad things got while she was swallowed up by her grief and she feels strange that she is no longer feeling like that.

Natsu: * gently taps her shoulder* hey blonde are you home. I have been calling out to you for a while now

Lucy: 0.0 huh * she turns around to see Natsu standing behind her* what Natsu what are you doing here

Natsu: I got bord at my place playing videogames alone, so I thought maybe I can drop by to see what you are up to, are you busy

Lucy: Yeah I'm sorry I'm in the middle of cleaning my backyard, you wouldn't believe the junk I had to carry to the dumpster that they left there, probably thrown it over the fence, from that back road that runs behind the house

Natsu: Do you need some help I got nothing better to do

Lucy: you want to help me what got into did you hit your head or something

Natsu: look if you don't want my help I can just leave I could just go and do something else

Lucy: like what you have no friends so you would be alone

Natsu: so I don't need friends to entertain myself

Lucy: ugh fine you can help but if I hear one word out of you how messy my yard is I will kick you in the dick

Natsu: I would like to see you try

Lucy: ugh * she swings her leg and tries to kick Natsu in the face*

Natsu: * grabs her leg and stops her* nice high kick, good thing you are wearing pants, or this would be a full display of your panties otherwise. * lets go of her leg*

Lucy: if you want to see, my panties fine, not like I give a shit

Natsu: yeah no thanks, so do you want my help, or will you accept my offer to help

Lucy: yeah sure come on. I only have a few more bags to take down, then I can cut the grass if I can figure out how to start that damn machine

Natsu: I'm pretty good with machines maybe I can get it to work

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