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Lucy: * sits down on the floor next to the small table* well this is my second time here and I have to say it's fucking depressing in here

Natsu: -_-yeah I don't remember asking for your input on my room at all so keep your comments to yourself

Lucy: hey it's not my fault you can't brighten up this place

Natsu: I can but I don't want to I'm saving up money so I can't spend it on junk I won't need

Lucy: so what are you saving up so hard then

Natsu: unlike most people, I plan on going to college and since I have no parents. I have to be the one to save up the money for it, and since I don't have a scholarship as well

Lucy: I see but why are you so upset with adjudication huh

Natsu: Because I was a slacker back then, while my parents were alive. I always thought that they will be there to help me build my future, so I didn't study and I always fought with them, and after they were gonna. I had nothing, so I made a promise to them, and to myself, that I will go to college and finish it and get a good job

Lucy: I see well seeing your marks on your test you are doing fine

Natsu: well I do put in the work for it, not like the others who cheat their way to where they are

Lucy: tell me about it. I don't know if the teachers saw them or not, but jeez they should study and not try to cheat well, of course, Ms. Evergreen knows who studied and who didn't, so she is a good teach

Natsu: true if anyone I respect her the most in school

Lucy: okay so what do you do for fun around here

Natsu: I play videogames to pass the time usually

Lucy: what games do you have

Natsu: just some fighting games

Lucy: I see well do you want to play against me, while we wait for this to blow over

Natsu: yeah sure why not * sits down next to her and turns on the counsel and hands her the controller* choose whoever you want to play as

Lucy: I was planning on it but don't cry when I beat your high score

Natsu: I would like to see you try

Lucy: hehehe I won't just try

The two of them start to play the game and time passes them by until Natsu's phone alarm goes off

Lucy: what's that for are you going to bed already

Natsu: No it's my alarm to remind me to feed the cats * stands up and goes to the fried to take out some tuna and puts it on a plate while grabbing a water bottle as well* you can stay here if you want or you can come with me

Lucy: * stands up and goes to him* I'm coming along I love cats they are just the cutest things ever

Natsu: yeah they are super cute

They mack their way behind the building where Natsu sits down on a box and puts the plate down and puts some water into the water bowl for the kittens

Natsu: they are really shy so I don't know if they will come out since they don't know you

Lucy: I hope that they do even if I can't touch them I just want to see them

Natsu: well we should wait then

The kittens slowly come out of their hiding place and being a bit concerned that someone new is there they all come out and make their way to the plate of tuna. They surround the plate and they slowly start to eat

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