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Natsu went home early to get his uniform and things for school and woke Lucy up as well so she wouldn't oversleep

Fairy Tail high

Natsu: *goes into the classroom everyone looks at him and turn away before meeting his gaze and they go back to talking to each other as if he is not there*

Lucy: * sitting in her chair already since she lives closer to the school than Natsu so she got there first is reading a book while waiting for class to start*

Natsu: * gets his things ready and goes over his notes for class*

Lucy: * leans over to Natsu and whispers to him* about what happened yesterday I uh um you know

Natsu: * puts his notebook down that much that he can look at Lucy* just forget it nothing happened

Lucy: * sighs and sits back properly to her seat* yeah nothing, nothing at all

The teacher comes in and starts the class by calling the students names and after that starts the lecture

Natsu: ( what happened yesterday was nothing she was going through some heavy stuff I comforted her that's it nothing to worry about or thing beyond that )

Lucy: ( why do I feel so strange, as if I got rejected by him, that he doesn't want to acknowledge the thing that happened yesterday. Why does it hurt so bad, that I just want to scream at him )

The first half of the school day passes and Lucy instead of going to the roof to bug Natsu instead goes to the library to clear her head

Lucy: * sits down to one of the empty tables and takes out her book that she has been reading and is about to finish*

Levy: *walks over to Lucy while holding a few books in her hands* hey mind if I sit here with you

Lucy: * looks up from her book at the shy blue-haired girl* uh sure thing I don't mind

Levy: * puts her books down on the table and sits down* oh I read that book it's really good

Lucy: yeah I enjoy it a lot I'm actually about to finish it

Levy: oh okay then I won't bother you * picks up one of her books that are in a different language and starts to read as well*

Lucy: * notices that she is reading something but the title is in a different language but she doesn't want to ask so she just goes back to reading her book*

Levy: * doesn't say anything to her for the whole time she was reading*

Lucy: * finished her book and closes it and puts it down on the table* so why did you chose to sit here of all places if I might ask

Levy: * looks up from her book* you know the thing is that. I usually sit here alone in the back hiding from everyone while I read and I was surprised that someone else was here but I didn't want to break my rutin is all

Lucy: I see and why do you hide here is someone bullying you

Levy: No, nothing like that, it's just I don't feel comfortable around others, people call me a living library, because of the things I read. I told them to stop and even went to the teachers for help, but after the teachers told them off, no one even wants to come near me. I didn't want to make everyone hate me. I just wanted to be treated normally is all, so I hide here from the eyes of all the people that used to be my friends

Lucy: I see, that must be hard for you, being smart and liking books can make people think you are a shut-in

Levy: yeah but I'm not really like that. I like making friends and talking to people, but when I get into a conversation. I intend to use complicated fraises and sometimes. I start to talk in different languages, and they just look at me as if I'm a freak

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