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The first half of the day went by eventless and Natsu is enjoying his usual quiet time on the roof

Natsu: * sighs and takes out a sandwich and starts to eat it* ( this is the life no one around to bug me and just the sky and the sun above me )

Lucy: * sitting alone in the stairway to the roof while eating her lunch* ( I'm such an idiot )

Natsu: * finished eating his sandwich and goes back to enjoying the sun*

Lucy: * looking at her lunchbox feeling even more alone than normal*

The school day ends and everyone goes on their own way home

Natsu: * goes home and takes a shower and changes into his normal clothes and heads out to work*

Lucy: * goes straight home and she goes into the house and takes her shoes off* I'm home

There is no answer only the sound of silence

Lucy: * sighs and goes upstairs while passing a picture of her mom and dad with a few burned candles next to them. she takes her clothes off and changes into something comfortable and lays on her bed while hugging her pillow* ( I'm such an idiot why did I have to pick a fight with him over and over when he is stronger than me.) * sighs* ( I really should apologize to him but he would probably say something like ' just forget it' and send me away  like always ) * she then throws her pillow down on the ground and takes her notebooks out and starts to do her homework*

Natsu: * takes his orders and gets on his work bike and rushes to deliver the food on time* ( I will have to go to the other side of town with this one so time to break a record)

Natsu makes sure that he gets the food delivered on time with making sure not to break any traffic rules on the way

Natsu: *sops in front of the house and rings the doorbell*

Mira: * opens the door* 0.0 oh my if it isn't Natsu

Natsu: uh counselor Mira-san is this where you live

Mira: yes this is my and Laxus house are you a delivery boy

Natsu: yeah I have to make money for my apartment somehow so I have a part-time job

Mira: Oh I see

Natsu: * gives her the food* here is your order I hope that you will enjoy

Mira: * takes the food* thank you for delivering it so fast but are you okay working like this while still attending school

Natsu: yes I'm fine, and this just gives me an experience of what it's like to work for my own home and food but I need to go I have other orders to deliver

Mira: okay then please be careful out there * gives him the money for the food*

Natsu: I will *  takes the money and gets back on his bike and rides off delivers the other orders and goes back to the shop*

Guildarts: Natsu one of the people that ordered from us sent you a thank you for the great serves I will add some extra money on your pay for today if you keep this up and here are your next orders addresses next to them

Natsu: got it I will deliver them right away * takes the orders and puts them in this backpack and puts the addresses in his GPS and rides off*

Guildarts: ( that boy sure is a hard worker, maybe I should hire him full time, he is better than my other two employees )

Natsu: * spent the rest of the afternoon running around town delivering food and he finally made it back home around 8: 45 pm* ugh finally I'm done but I still have homework to do, ugh * he sits down to his desk and does his homework, he finished it around 9:57* okay then set the alarm done, now to sleep * he falls down on his futon and falls asleep*

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