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Lucy heads home and changes out of her uniform and makes herself some food after she was done making herself the food she sits down at the table and while she is eating she is also doing her homework as well. Natsu put his bag down and changed out of his clothes and went to work to do his job.

Gildarts: Hey Natsu got a seck

Natsu: Uh sure what is it

Gildarts: Well you see I have been thinking about this for a while now and I would like to permanently higher you not just for part-time. You work hard and you are always on time and you are trustworthy so I want to hire you full time what do you say.

Natsu: I would like that but I still got school and studying to do so I don't know.

Gildarts: I know that that's why your work schedule won't change at all, you will get bigger pay, health insurance, and paid days off if you get sick or need to cram for tests.

Natsu: Well if things won't change all that much then I gladly accept I like working here and I enjoy the job as well.

Gildarts: I'm glad to hear that we can do the paperwork done once you finish for the day if that's good for you.

Natsu: Yeah that sounds good to me.

Gildarts: Great then here are your next rounds please deliver them safely. * gives him his bag with the food and the addresses to deliver them to*

Natsu: * takes them* alright I will do my best * gets on his bike and rides away to the first address*

Gildarts: I know you will *get back to work making the next set of orders*

Natsu: * riding his bike with a big grin on his face because despite being a grumpy guy he felt happy to earn this chance and he didn't want to disappoint anyone*

Natsu makes the first five deliveries with no problem but when he gets to the last house on his list he runs into some trouble.

Natsu: * puts his bike down and walks up to the door and rings the doorbell* ( I made it just in time thank goodness)

The curtain slightly moves that is next to the door Natsu noticed it.

Natsu: ( okay they should be coming soon I need to go back to the shop to pick up my next rounds anyway so I want to finish up here fast) * minutes pass by and no one comes out so Natsu presses the doorbell again* ( come one I got other places to be) * another set of minutes pass by and he presses the doorbell again*

Sharol: * finally opens the door and in the most intituled tone* Yes what can I do for you

Natsu: * keeps a straights face* ( holly shit this woman is bigger than the door ) I got your order of food

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Natsu: * keeps a straights face* ( holly shit this woman is bigger than the door ) I got your order of food

Sharol: * takes the box of food and looks at him* This is cold and you are late I will not pay for this

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