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hey y'all I have to go back to school tmrw and I'm not happy :/

anyways in this imagine just pretend vanya knew abt her powers from a young age and she trained and everything.


Y/n didn't have any powers.

She's been left out of everything. Literally everything.

None of her siblings seemed interested in being around her.

She found ways to entertain herself most of the time.

She listens to music sometimes and just hums along with it.

She was of course on the living room couch listening to music. She had her knees pulled up to her chest with her arms around them.

She was just staring into nothing and mumbling the words.

Cluttering comes from behind her. She only just hears it and jumps staying the the position but turning her head around to see what it was.

It was one of her siblings. They had just finished training.

Y/n turns back around with a huff and continues mumbling.

She decides to get up. She walks up the stairs to her bedroom.

She enters and grunts lightly as she plonks herself in a horizontal position on her bed.

Immediately after she hears her mom ringing the supper bell.

Y/n stops her music and walks downstairs.

She walks into the dining room where the others were ready there.

Only one of her siblings seemed to acknowledge her. Five.

She walks to her seat which was opposite Five's.

Their father demands them to sit.

They all sit and begin eating.

Y/n quietly and quickly eats, leaving very few vegetables on her plate.

She looks around at her siblings who are all doing different things.

She looks at Five. He was eating peacefully.

He looks up at Y/n and catches her staring.

He gives a soft smile.

Y/n smiles back with the same energy as him. She looks down at her hands.

She fiddles with her fingers and bounces her leg up and down waiting for them to be excused.

It felt like hours that they were sat at the table.

Maybe Y/n ate a bit to quickly.

She looks at her siblings again.

Out of no where Y/n gets up and walks out of the room.

"Number Eight! You have not been excused!"

Y/n runs to her room and sits in her bed.

She curls up in a ball and cries to sleep.

A few hours later she wakes up to a knock on her door.

Y/n groggily groans and gets up to walk to her door stumbling a bit.

She opens it. "Y/n you have a guest." Her mother smiles brightly.

She steps aside revealing Five.

"Okay! Call me if you need anything!" Their mother cheerily says.

Five and Y/n nod with small smiles.

Five walks into Y/n's room as their mom leaves.

They both sit on her bed awkwardly.

"Hey." Y/n says quietly, observing Five's feature. "Hi." He says back with a smile.

"What is it?" Y/n asks.

Five and Y/n were bestfriends up until they were 7 when they found out Y/n didn't actually have powers.

Five was pulled away from her by their other siblings because they thought of Y/n as an outsider.

A typical human.

"I felt really bad, so I decided to hang out with you." He admits with a soft tone.

"Thanks." Y/n smiles at him.

They lock eyes for a moment and then hug.

"I'm so sorry." Five holds on tightly to her.

"I had nobody." Y/n tears up and melts in his embrace.

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