01 - " since we first met "

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• pretty boy •°*"˜.•°*"˜


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˜"*°•.˜"*°• pretty boy •°*"˜.•°*"˜

(a/n : this takes place during the fourth season & afterward! manga spoilers will be included in this story. please read at your own risk. pls, do not steal my work! lowercase style is intended! enjoy!)

y/n closed the door to the cabin and proceeded to make her way to the bed. she got on top of it and sighed, bringing her knees up to her face, hugging them. silently, she cried, warm tears trickling down slowly on her round, brown cheeks. the meeting they just had with captain levi, commander hanji, and the rest of the soldiers left her with a jumble of emotions. it finally hit her; nothing was ever going to be the same. their mind brought them back to a different time-when their only enemies were titans. she'd give anything to go back to that time. the years put into training, the late-night dinners with the other soldiers, the huge discovery of eren's abilities, and most importantly, meeting connie.

as his younger face appeared into their mind, the doorknob on the front door began to turn slowly, and a tall boy began to walk in. connie. a look of distress lingered on his face, which had become normal at this point. he closed the door behind him and kept his eyes on y/n. they made eye contact and stared at each other for a while. he examined her tear-stained face and saw the coldness in her eyes.

"you left the meeting quickly," connie mentions. he gulped and brought his eyes away from them. he sat on the bed next to y/n.

y/n sniffed and took in a deep, ragged breath as she brought her head up and looked at him. there were no words y/n could say. they felt like they were an open book, the problem was pretty obvious. she sighed heavily and flickered their eyes to a drawing on the nightstand. it was of connie and y/n, a small, but meaningful gesture given to them by jean.

"what happened..." she whispered. her voice was shaky and genuine confusion lingered in their tone. connie watched her expressions change rapidly between confusion, sadness, and anger. "when did things become so complicated?"

these were questions connie had thought to himself before, especially when he found his mother. his lifestyle escalated on a much greater scale and everything seemed to be happening so fast. he wished things could slow down for a moment. he sighed and put his hand on her head and slowly brought her to his chest. "things have always been complicated," connie starts, "eren just put it in perspective for the rest of us."

"but did he have to?" y/n asked desperately. she wanted to get to the bottom of everything. they wanted all of this to end already. as a soldier, you're expected to be strong, get used to this way of living, and preparing to die but not knowing when. behind closed doors, y/n was emotionally weak, losing herself to the madness that hadn't even come to her yet.

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