02 - " declaration of war & assault "

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• pretty boy •°*"˜.•°*"˜


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˜"*°•.˜"*°• pretty boy •°*"˜.•°*"˜

(a/n : this takes place during the fourth season & afterward! manga spoilers will be included in this story. please read at your own risk. pls, do not steal my work! lowercase style is intended! enjoy!)

connie and y/n grappled themselves on top of a building where sasha was located. "blouse." sasha turned around to the sound of y/n's voice. "we finished blocking the street."

"alright. connie, make sure to light your lamp."

"oh, right," he says. he goes to light his lamp on top of a roof and the three of them were on their way to find the rest of their comrades. as they flung themselves across the town in search of the others, y/n got lost in thought. somehow she drowned out the loud noises around her. eren and the war hammer titan were fighting, the survey corps and marleyan army were going back and forth, so much of was happening all at once.

the three of them finally found jean and floch, who were also joined by other scout regiment members. "we've taken care of the enemy reinforcements," connie announces.

jean nodded, a stern look on his face. "we've done the same in this area. what about the lights?"

"we've got the lights in place as well," sasha adds, taking in a deep breath, motioning with her hand.

jean was relieved to see his closest friends still alive and by his side. he noticed the long look on y/n's face and nudged her. "are you alright?"

y/n nodded. "yeah," she says, no emotion behind her voice. they turned to the side to see the commotion. up close she can see the attack titan and the war hammer titan going at it.

connie looked at jean, his hand on his hip. "are things going alright?" he asks as he watched the big brawl.

jean turned away from connie and looked in the same direction. "they are for now, at least." mikasa was flinging around the war hammer titan, distracting it for a moment. "if we could take that thing down soon, we'll be fine...but that's a big ' if '." jean's fate became uncertain.

"anything could happen at this point," y/n says. connie looked at them, seeing great angst within their face. he looked away, feeling guilty knowing there was nothing he could do to take those emotions away from her.

the war hammer titan attempted to swing its self-made weapon in mikasa's direction, however, she moved away in time and launched herself in the air, releasing three thunder spears that are aimed at the titan's leg.

jean gulped. "the only way to find out what will happen next is to make it out of the mess alive. so, focus." he tried to portray himself strong, but even the rest of them could hear a bit of a tremble in his voice.

as mikasa fights the war hammer titan, eren remembers that this titan's body materialized from its feet up rather than its nape, and deduces that its human body is located underground, in the point where it originally appeared. transforming back into the attack titan, he sees a hole in the street from where a long cable of flesh comes out, attached to the war hammer titan's left heel. eren puts his hand through the hole and grabs the crystallized body of lara's connected to the other end of the cable, who has been controlling the titan from there. eren severs the connection and the now inanimate body of the war hammer titan falls to the ground.

y/n watched in awe. she had been staring at the battle for so long she didn't notice connie was holding her hand. when she finally realized, they looked up at him. he still had his eyes forward. she could feel sweat and blood on his hands and she gripped his hand tighter.

eren attempts to devour lara but is interrupted from behind by the jaw titan. galliard attempts to retake the founding titan and kill eren but his cheek is slashed before he can bite down fully on the attack titan's nape. levi ackerman. eren attempts to grab galliard, but he nearly escapes on a building, only to be stopped by mikasa firing a thunder spear, sending him falling. connie, sasha, y/n, and jean join behind levi and mikasa as they all began to charge at the jaw titan.

launching herself in the air, she thought about how much she used to love using the odm gear. they remembered the first time they used it. they had learned how to use it easily, just as they learned other things quickly. she remembered feeling weightless even though she was carrying something that was over a hundred pounds. it used to feel like the world was in her hands. she felt like nothing could stop her-nothing could bring her down. but now, y/n dreaded the feeling of this gear. the weight still felt like nothing but somehow it weighed her down emotionally. what was the purpose of this anymore? wasn't there anything else she could do? they pondered about this the entire time they had been in here in marley. the innocent people they had to kill today, the children she has terrorized. she felt guilt clawing at her heart and it started to make her feel sick.

in mid-air, she didn't catch herself in time and began to fall. connie's eyes were quick and noticed them falling to the concrete ground. he changed direction from the jaw titan to y/n and swooped them mid-air, bringing himself and y/n to the roof.

"y/n!" she was barely able to respond. she felt her eyes closing on their own and her body was giving out. her stress had finally gotten to her and it was taking a toll on her body. "god damnit." while every enemy was distracted, connie took advantage of the situation at hand and decided to carry y/n and find shelter until she woke. levi wouldn't be happy with the decision, but there was nothing else he could do.

he was safe for the meanwhile. he hoped that everything would go as planned. in the distance, a loud rumbling was heard. armin. armin had finally transformed, a gust of wind and debris flew in the direction that connie was facing. to his luck, it didn't get into his eyes and he was careful not to inhale anything. he covered y/n's face as well. connie's anxiety gradually got higher as he pondered about what was happening behind him.

above liberio, an airship followed the guide lights set up by the scouts. connie noticed it in the sky and was relieved to see that hangi had made it. connie waited a bit longer before deciding to retreat to the airship. when he heard the screams of the armored titan, he knew that it was time to go.

carefully, he swiftly made his way past the buildings and the commotion, avoiding all altercations, and launched his gear at the opening of the airship. he got inside safely and was greeted by armin, hangi, and onyakopan. the rest of the scout regiment was returning to the airship.

armin saw y/n's unconscious body. "y/n!" he yells in fear. his big blue eyes shook with concern. "connie, what happened? is she alive?"

"while we're about to attack the jaw titan, she stopped moving in mid-air and almost fell to the ground. i saved her and i hid out until you guys came," connie responded in a low voice. he clenched his jaw, and a defined vein tensed up by his temple was seen on the side of his head. "she's been taking on a lot..."

eren and mikasa ackerman climb the netting onto the airship controlled by the scouts and armin helped eren aboard. eren sees y/n in connie's lap. he didn't say anything and just glared.

y/n coughed, startling everyone inside. she opened her eyes slowly, blinking them profusely, trying to make out what she was seeing. connie was looking down at her with an extremely worried face, and the area around them was unfamiliar. "connie..." was all she could conjure up and say.

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