04 - " why couldn't it be me? "

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• pretty boy •°*"˜.•°*"˜


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˜"*°•.˜"*°• pretty boy •°*"˜.•°*"˜

(a/n : this takes place during the fourth season & afterward! manga spoilers will be included in this story. please read at your own risk. pls, do not steal my work! lowercase style is intended! enjoy!)

y/n specifically made sure connie bathed before she did. her body reeked of so many stenches. connie hadn't spoken a word to them, but they decided to give him time to grieve. she hoped that he would come around eventually.

the bathwater was cold, but it wasn't like it phased y/n. she felt everything and nothing at the same time. as soon as she got in, the water began to turn murky and a very slight red tint took over the once clear water. she began to cry silently. the blood washed from her hands and chest, everywhere. she got it out of their fingertips and their face.

y/n dunked her head into the water, running her fingers through her tangled and matted coils to get the blood out from everywhere. she frantically attacked herself, feeling so much agony over sasha's death. she had died protecting her.

she pulled her head out of the water, wheezing. water dropped from her eyelashes and rolled down the side of her face. she coughed, for she had got water in her nose.

"why couldn't it be me?" she whispered. "why did you die and not me, sasha?" she repeated the question over and over until she tired herself out.


"how are you taking it, connie?" niccolo asked.

connie stood behind him, a cloud of despair hanging over his head. "sasha and i were like twins." he put his hand on niccolo's shoulder. "so it feels like half of me is just gone." connie and the rest watched sasha's family grief in front of her grave.

he couldn't bear to watch it. connie told jean he'd be heading back to his cabin. when he got home, the lights were off and y/n was laying in bed with her blanket over her. they were staring into space. even when connie had came in, their distant gaze didn't break. he silently took his shoes off and glared at her.


she lazily looked up at connie. "hm?"

"you didn't come to the service." connie sounded hurt as if y/n had purposefully tried to hurt his feelings. his words made y/n angry. stating the obvious made it more clear that this was reality. this was the outcome of everything. sasha jumping in front of her has changed events and now she was here and there was nothing y/n could do about it. "why haven't you been by my side, y/n?" his voice cracked.

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