06 - " children of the forest "

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• pretty boy •°*"˜.•°*"˜


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˜"*°•.˜"*°• pretty boy •°*"˜.•°*"˜

hange, onyakapon, connie, jean, mikasa, armin, and y/n. stood by the entrance of the restaurant as niccolo had approached them upon hange's request.

he walked towards them in his work clothes, a confused look on his face. "hello there. this urgent? sorry, but, i'm preparing the main course for some very important guests right now," he explains why blushing slightly. his pale face turned rosy pink.

"that's fine," hange says, putting their hands up, smiling slightly. "if you're in the middle of something you can get back to it. but, we'd like to have a quick word with you once you finish up."

"you wanna talk?" niccolo's eyebrows furrowed. "what is this about?"

"we wondered if you might...have some concerns," hange says, but onyakpon cut them off.

"the scouts are investigating our detainment." hange side-eyed him and her mouth opened but they didn't say anything. "we were hoping you'd be able to help us," onyakapon finishes.

sweat rolled down niccolo's face. "yeah, no problem."

niccolo lead them to a dining room. "i'll ask you to wait in here until i finish," he says.

"this room is pretty fancy," y/n says, looking around.

connie walked in and leaned back while he walked. "i bet it's usually reserved for mp's."

jean spotted bottles of wine and picked one up. "hey! i've heard a whole lot of talk about this wine! it's only served to high-ranking members in the military."

connie smirked. "oh, yeah? well, aren't we high-ranking members of the scouts?

"we sure are," jean boasts, turning around to face connie with the bottle in his hand. "let's have a little."

"no! don't touch that!" niccolo exclaimed. he angrily grabbed the wine bottle away from jean, who gave him a nasty look. "this doesn't need to be wasted on eldians like you."

y/n turned around and looked at him. she felt herself getting angry and didn't want to be in the room anymore. they stormed out of the room, huffing, and puffing.

armin was going to follow after her until he looked over at connie and noticed that he wasn't going after her. in fact, he intently watched y/n leave the room and had a blank expression on his face. mikasa noticed as well and decided to go with armin. jean and niccolo were still going back and forth.

pretty boy |  connie x black reader Where stories live. Discover now