03 - " assassin's bullet "

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• pretty boy •°*"˜.•°*"˜


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˜"*°•.˜"*°• pretty boy •°*"˜.•°*"˜

(a/n : this takes place during the fourth season & afterward! manga spoilers will be included in this story. please read at your own risk. pls, do not steal my work! lowercase style is intended! enjoy!)

"looks like you fell in a pile of shit...eren"

y/n heard levi's deep voice scolding eren. eren? levi? she sat up in connie's lap. her head was pounding and sounds were overlapping.

"captain levi." eren looked up at him, his face carrying no emotion. levi kicked eren violently. mikasa was quick to charge at her captain but armin held her back.

connie put his hands on y/n's shoulders. "y/n, look at me." it took her a while but her eyes finally met his. "are you alright?"

y/n weakly nodded. "i'm fine..." all she remembered was the distant yells of eren's titan. "i fainted."

"glad i noticed it before you hit the ground..."

"hey connie, help me," sasha called him over. connie made sure y/n was able to stand on their own two feet and he helped sasha help jean into the airship.

"thanks you two," jean grunted. "who's left?" he looked at connie.

"we're still waiting on lima's squad," connie answered. jean turned his head toward sasha.

"but assuming that all of them make it back, we've lost six soldiers," sasha finished. jean cursed under his breath with disappointment.

floch approached them. "that's nothing compared to the damage we did to the enemy." he amped up the rest of the soldiers, putting his fist in the air. "good work soldiers! we fought the new eldian empire's first battle and it ended in victory!" the rest of the soldiers behind him cheered alongside him. connie narrowed his eyes at floch and got up and walked back over y/n. she still looked stuck. he hugged her and he felt comforted feeling her arms wrap around him. jean looked down at the floor as he was still crouched by the ground. sasha sat by the opening with her weapon, guarding.

"our first battle..." jean says underneath his breath. "i wonder how many more we'll have to fight..." he gritted his teeth with anger. "how many more will have to die."

connie and y/n turned their heads to jean as they heard his words. y/n got up with a small smile on their face and she put her arm around sasha. "honestly, i'm just glad that we made it," she tells them, hoping it would lighten up their mood.

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