07 - " affair "

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• pretty boy •°*"˜.•°*"˜


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˜"*°•.˜"*°• pretty boy •°*"˜.•°*"˜

"so now we just have to sit here and watch what happens next?" connie asked with his arms crossed, leaning against the bars of the cell.

mr. blouse put a cup of tea down in front of armin. "would you like some tea?"

"thank you," she says softly.

connie got his cup of tea and sighed. "armin, could you use your titan to bust us out of here?"

"connie, you know that's a stupid idea," y/n says sharply.

"who was talking to you?!" connie asked angrily. mikasa and armin gave one another a look and looked at y/n. "i've had enough of your shit today! you've been hitting me, glaring at me, and being a bitch all day!" he slammed his cup down on a table.

y/n got up from where she was and walked over to him.

"y/n, calm down..." mikasa says.

mikasa wasn't able to restrain her in time and y/n slapped connie across the face. connie looked at her in shock and almost launched at her until jean held him back.

"cut it out, you too," jean says, holding connie by his bicep. "what's going on? you guys never treat each other likes this." connie didn't respond.

y/n couldn't help but cry. as mad as she was at connie, hurting him on purpose killed them inside and deeply saddened her. "you're having an affair aren't you, connie?"

connie didn't respond and turned to face the other way, wriggling himself out of jeans grip. jean looked at y/n's face and looked back at connie. "is that true?" he asked him. connie kept his lips shut.

"y/n, doing this right now isn't the time," mikasa says to y/n, hoping this could all go away for now.

y/n pulled away from mikasa. "no! who the hell knows what yelena, zeke, and eren have planned! if he's gonna tell the truth, connie ought to say it now!"

armin looked at mikasa. he shook his head, signaling for her to let y/n go. mikasa sighed and backed away.

connie looked at y/n, his nostrils flaring. he still didn't say anything.

"it was hitch wasn't it?" they fell to their knees and cried, her tears falling to the floor. "i saw the letters, and hitch was the one who walked you home the other night! connie, how could you..."

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