05 - " flashback 01 "

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• pretty boy •°*"˜.•°*"˜


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˜"*°•.˜"*°• pretty boy •°*"˜.•°*"˜

(a/n : this takes place during the fourth season & afterwards! manga spoilers will be included in this story. please read at your own risk. pls do not steal my work! lowercase style is intended! enjoy!)

( flashback - 3 years prior )

"connie, i don't know about this!" y/n complained loudly. she tried to keep up with him as he ran full speed while holding her hand, dragging her alone.

connie shushed her. "keep your voice down before someone hears you." his running began to slow down before it came to a complete stop. he let go of y/n's hand and turned around to look at her. "how pitiful," he mocks her playfully.

y/n had her hands on her knees, wheezing, trying to catch her breath. "you run...too fast," she says. she was still worried about captain levi noticing that they were missing. "we're supposed to be cleaning and doing chores, connie," she urges once more.

"ugh," connie groaned. he took her hands and brought her closer to him. "why are you so serious all the time, y/n?"

y/n felt her cheeks become warm. she bit on her bottom lip, trying to hide the smile that was creeping up on her face. connie leaned in to kiss her. it was soft and it always excited her. she felt stiff and connie noticed, putting his hand on her back to relax her. once she felt loose, kissing him felt a whole lot better.

their time alone was cut short. they both broke the kiss when they heard leaves being crushed. they looked behind them and saw levi standing there with a cold look on his face and his arms crossed.

both of them tensed up and tried to hold back the laughter that was building up inside of them.

˜"*°•.˜"*°•  •°*"˜.•°*"˜

"separated you guys, huh?" jean says, laughing at the situation that connie had told him that happened with him and y/n.

connie shook his head as he was cleaning the stables with jean. "when we're older, i hope we can get a cabin together, live peacefully someday." he daydreamed about y/n as he thought about a life like that.

jean smiled, thinking of a future of his own. he imagined himself with his dream girl and a child, living a peaceful life. "that does sound great, doesn't it."

"i wanna marry her someday," connie admits.

jean never thought he'd hear those words come out of connie's mouth. "really?" he chuckled. "y/n changed you, connie." connie gave him a concerned look. "in a good way," jean quickly reassures. connie smiled and felt himself blushing, turning away so jean couldn't make fun of him.

( present )

mikasa brushed her hair as she looked in the mirror, listening to y/n talk about connie. it warmed her heart. even though sasha was gone, she still had y/n as another sister figure.

"...and he kisses me differently now. something feels so much more mature about it. it's like we're...married," she gushed. she sighed happily, crossing her legs as she sat on mikasa's bed.

"i've always loved the way you guys loved," mikasa expresses. most would assume she envied them, but she didn't. she knew that she and eren couldn't be anything and she had come to accept that.

y/n got up and stood beside mikasa, standing in front of the mirror with her. "i've always loved the way you persistently loved eren." mikasa began to blush. "i know the dynamic is complicated but you always protect him."

"he saved my life when i was younger," she says, staring distantly. "it's like an instinct."

y/n sighed. "connie and i...did it." mikasa's eyes widened. she turned away from the mirror and looked at y/n. "it was... amazing." she smiled, thinking about it. her eyes drifted away from mikasa, not noticing the look of distress that was on her face.

mikasa's lips trembled and her eyes became glossy. y/n finally took noticed and blinked. "what's wrong, mikasa?" mikasa wouldn't answer and she just cried in the palms of her hands. "mikasa, did you and eren...?" mikasa lifted her head. her eyes were puffy and her nose was slightly red. she shook her head, no, answering y/n's question. y/n couldn't think of anyone else that was close to mikasa besides...

y/n gasped dramatically. "armin?" her voice suddenly got lower. mikasa nodded slowly and shamefully. y/n's eyes widened. "oh my god...do you love armin?"

mikasa sniffed and wiped her face. "yes, but not in the way you think." she sighed and shook her head. "i just...we...we needed something. eren hasn't been the same and all armin and i have is each other and we needed some sort of... release."

"i see..." y/n responded. she rubbed mikasa's back, trying her best to comfort her. "there's no reason to feel ashamed about it. you don't have to tell anyone else."

"yes, but we know." mikasa takes in a sharp breath. "it changed things. subtle movements we make around one another can remind me of it. it made us closer though... he's gotten more protective. there are no feelings, though."

y/n hugged mikasa tightly. "thank you for trusting me." she rubbed mikasa's arm and sighed happily. she pressed her lips together. mikasa pulled away and looked at y/n.

"your hair is getting longer," mikasa points out. y/n touched her own coils. it was growing upwards. she was right. she played in her for a while, sighing.

i have to cut it soon, she thought to herself.

˜"*°•.˜"*°•  •°*"˜.•°*"˜

jean and connie were coming back to the cabin carrying wood. connie was panting and the two of them were sweating. "that walk is so long..." jean complained.

"yeah," connie grunted.

they finally got to the cabin and they sat down in front of it, trying to relax. "you should rest up," jean suggests. "hange wants to do some investigation about the anti-marleyan volunteers and wants us to come along."

the door to the cabin opened and y/n walked out. "there you are. you're finally home." she smiled at connie and he smiled back getting up on his feet. "your food is cold, but you could make a small fire and warm it up.

jean watched the two of them and thought of when connie said he was going to marry her.

"i'll be in a second, lie down for now," he told y/n and he kissed her forehead before she walked back inside the cabin.

jean closed his eyes and smirked. "still wanna marry her?"

connie smiled happily and laughed, thinking about that conversation he had 3 years ago. "already feels like we are married."

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