Fifty Six

485 17 10

It's almost a week she lives by herself. Nothing harm has been made. Earlier she did spend her time and money when she go outside. She bought some medical kits for future usage. She just feels like it, it's not like she hurts herself of what. She thought it's better if she got one herself.

When she goes outside earlier, she can't sense any danger. It's a good sign for her. She also feels relief knowing the kids and all of them doing well. She just had a call with Hakase. Nothing much change. Hakase also informs her that Kudo somehow still search for her secretly.

Shiho sighs at the thought. His stubbornness will never leave him. She can do nothing about it. If Hakase doesn't give any information about her whereabouts, it should be fine.

Shiho is currently on the balcony while reading a novel. Her cat rests comfortably on her lap. Shiho flips another page as she is immersed in the novel.

It's a novel about a female police agent who falls in love with someone. Turn out he's the criminal that the government search for. The woman having a dilemma when she learns the truth- whether to arrest the man she truly loves or to let him go.

The situation is almost the same with her. She also has a dilemma about which side to stand on. Surely, she wants to stand on the right side. But, something telling her to do the opposite. When she experienced her two latest dreams, she doesn't know which she prefers.

To live a normal life surround by people who truly care about her, but with something lack in her heart or

To live as a betrayer, but without having even a little regret in her heart.

Both have pros and cons. At this rate, she might just stay away and live on her own. She even might move abroad. With a sigh, she closes the novel. She hopes something new will appear in her dream today. She actually hoping if there's an opportunity for her if she chooses to be alone. She walks back to her room- ready to sleep.

She places the cat on her bed and lay down. The cat rest at her side. She wonders what kind of dream will be appearing this time. Actually, she hates dreams, somehow it makes her tired- mentally tired. It's not like she can stop the dream, instead, she will adapt it and she already get used to it.

Also, she is curious about her dream every time she's going to sleep. There's a certain entertaining element in her own dream. She is able to flashback about her past without trying hard to recall it since its naturally come to her head when she sleeps. Also, the fact that the dream also shows a little bit about her future excites her.

As if she's a fortune teller for herself.

The woman slowly closes her eyes and make her mind clear. She needs a rest- even though she's not doing much physically every day. She needs to rest her mind. Recall her memories about a certain someone makes it hard for her. She tries to not think about anything. Before she falls asleep she's hoping that everything will get better- the same as the previous night.

As she manages to clear her mind, slowly, the woman drifts off to sleep- a deep sleep.


Shiho opens her eyes. The only thing that she sees around her is pure darkness. She only finds herself there. Somehow, the darkness actually makes her oddly comfortable. It feels like she can stay there as long as she wants, even forever. It feels like the darkness and her is one.

Oddly, it feels like...home.

But, she can't just stand there doing nothing. She needs to explore the place. She needs to go out from her comfort zone- they said. Who knows she will find something that picking her interest or something that will explain what's even going on here.

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