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Her weekdays doesn't feel the same anymore. After the kids and Haibara walk past Gin the other day, her days feel unsafe. She feels that someone is spying on her from afar. Somehow, she tries to ignore that by just telling herself that it's just some sort of pranks. She doesn't want to think negatively.

Haibara looks at the blackboard as her teacher teaching them. She just looks at that thing and does not even pay attention to what her teacher talk about. It is just some basic things that children these days need to learn. She already learned that so she doesn't bother it all. Even so, she is at school, she can feel someone watching her. It's not just that. Every place she went this weekdays feel like someone following her.

She did feel scared since she still doesn't know who is this person that keep following her. She also did feel like it is someone from the organization that spy on her. The girl is lost in her thought as the bell rings- wake her up from her own thought.

"Okay, that's all for today. See you next Monday!" Kobayashi sensei said to her students.

"Thank you sensei!" the students said and they walk to go back to their home. The Detective Boys for each other and they walk together.

Haibara still feels like someone watching her. She hates this situation. She is very cautious about her surrounding as she tries to find who is the one behind this.

Conan who walk beside her look at her face. He noticed that Haibara has been acted weird recently. He noticed that she become more cautious with her own surrounding since she keep looking around as if someone watching her. He knows that there are something that bothers her. He did wait for her to talk to him but she doesn't. He also knows that there's something important that she doesn't tell him.

Sometimes he did let her be if she doesn't ready to tell him yet. He also tries to not bother about her own secrets. He believes that she has her own reasons to keep it as a secret. He doesn't want to push her too much as he already gives her pressure just by telling her to make the antidote. But seeing her like this makes him feel curious.

"What are you looking at?" Haibara said to him.

"Haibara, are you alright. Recently, you acted weird. Did something happened?" asked Conan to the girl.

"You just imagining things Kudo. There's nothing. I am fine" Haibara said to him. She did expect that he will ask her questions. Conan on the other hand didn't reply. He know she did hide something from him. His inner detective self wants to figure out what is happening towards her. But, since he also keeps some secrets from her, he thinks it's fair.

"Ah, for tomorrow evening, let's play soccer at the park" said Mitsuhiko.

"I'm sorry Mitsuhiko, tomorrow I need to go to some event with Ran neesan and Kogoro ojisan" said Conan.

"Aw that's too bad. Ai chan are you come along too?" ask Ayumi.

As for Haibara, of course, she doesn't want to go out. Since Gin already found her with these kids, she can't let them play by themselves. It's too dangerous. Whether she likes it or not she needs to agree in order to watch the kids.

"Fine by me" she said to the kids.

"Okay, tomorrow at 5!" said Mitsuhiko. The other nodded their head in agreement.

As Haibara reach home, she takes a rest for a while before she continues her work. She did some progress on the antidote and she can feel in a short time new pill will be done. Still, she needs to try it first and consider the side effect. She wants the antidote completed so bad.

Before, she did ask herself if the antidote is finished, will she turn back to Shiho Miyano or she stays as a child all over again. But now, she feels like she needs to turn back. She doesn't know why but her guts say to do so. She still waiting what the future leads her to.

Haibara walk to the lab as she continue to do her work until midnight hit. Then she goes to her bed and has a deep slumber.


"You missed me? How funny that sounds" Gin said to the woman beside her. The two of them are currently in a bar and enjoy each other presence. They didn't meet for almost a month since both of them were busy with their work.

"At least I don't lie to myself as what you did. You deny things Gin. Drop that attitude of yours" the woman said to him. It's true, the woman did miss him since they don't meet much lately. She craves for his presence beside her.

"So, should I be grateful?" asked Gin. The woman chuckles before she replies.

"I think you should. You lack some good attitude in yourself. At least be grateful as not all people enjoy your presence, Gin" the woman said. The bartender finally comes towards both of them as he takes their order.

As for Gin, he usually orders shots of Gin. Instead what he ordered to the bartender make the woman beside him shift her head to look at him. This time he orders Sherry Martini- which is a combination of Gin and Sherry. The woman beside him smirks as she also orders the same thing as his.

"Sometimes, you make things unclear for me to understand you, Gin" she said to him as she look at his face- she observe every single part of his face.

"You have a genius brain for you to understand and I don't think I tell you to understand me, Sherry" he said as the bartender serve their drink. Both of them take a sip of the martini. They also think that the drinks suit their taste.

"I think I should thank you for the compliment. Also, I agree that you didn't tell me to understand you. Too bad, you can't stop me" the woman said as she take another sip.

"Stubborn" he said as he drink the martini. The martini really suits his taste.

"You like this don't you? Well, it is a mix of Gin and Sherry after all" she said as she put her usual smirk on her face. She indeed tries to seduce him in her very own way.

"Well, I don't say I hate it" the man said to her. Both of them enjoy the peaceful night together at the bar as they have a nice conversation with one another.


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