First Encounter

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Tubbo shot up in bed, gasping like a fish.

What the fuck was that?

He grasped at his chest for a second, checking that everything was where it was supposed to be.

Heart, lungs, stomach-
He let out a sigh of relief. Check.

The nightmare the brunette had just had was already fading in his vision.
Something about a.. enderman? And as he shivered in his bed, remembering bright purple eyes.

Needless to say, it hadn't been lovely.

Tubbo turned to his left, eager to tell his (platonic) husband about the nightmare before it faded completely from his mind.
But, to his surprise, he- he wasn't there.

Tubbo clutched the sheets closer to himself and surveyed the room. He wasn't particularly worried, Ranboo could have obviously gone to the bathroom, or gone for a walk, checked on Micheal or something along those lines.
But the off chance that he may have been gone for something different made him call out.

As Tubbo did his second sweep of the room, something caught his peripheral vision. There, the doorway.

A tall figure stood in the doorway, head slouched down to mind the frame, tall horns curving up like claws against the top of the door.
Warning bells rang in Tubbo's mind immediately.

When Foolish built the mansion, he paid special attention to the height of doors and ceilings, noting how Ranboo had to duck under doors in Tubbo's home, and how his horns had scraped against ceilings at full height.
Therefore, the doors had been built to Ranboo's size, doors built a full five inches over Ranboo's height when he stood straight up.

The very fact that the figure was over the height of the of door, so much so that it had to hunch over, was enough to freak Tubbo out.
His hand itched for an axe.


Tubbo pushed himself out of bed, smoothing his bedsheets behind him with one hand.
"Is that you?"

As the brunette made his way closer, more and more features were brought out to him.
He couldn't quite see all the colors in the dark, but he could see long thing hands, and sharp, straight horns pointing towards the ceiling.
And to his shock, two tails and a half-split face.
This was Ranboo?

Tubbo walked up to him cautiously. So far, he hadn't made a single move.
Tubbo gawked at the other man's height. His head barely reached the creature's waistline!

Tubbo looked up into the other man's eyes.

The man looked down to meet his gaze, then let out a shriek. Tubbo stumbled back at the loud sound. Ranboo lumbered towards him, swiping long arms towards him in massive arcs.

Tubbo stifled a scream, throwing himself backwards.
He pulled a rocking chair in the way of the creature, but to his horror, it lifted one hand and pushed it to the side. It slammed against the wall, cracking and splintering into a million pieces.
For a split second, Tubbo worried trivially about the sound waking Micheal.

Tubbo backed into the bed, and in a shot of panic, thought he had nowhere left to go. He fell on his back onto the bed, cursing himself for not leaving any weapons in the bedroom. The brunette didn't think he would have needed it.

Tubbo rolled over, and just in time, as a large gnarled hand fell down where he had lay a second ago. The creature swiped the hand towards him, throwing the boy off the bed and directly into the wall.

Whether it may have been good fortune or not, the walls were built solid.

The wall didn't crack, but Tubbo did.

The goat boy let out a cry, air forced up and out of his lungs. He coughed onto the floor, hunched over, letting out huge, sobbing breathes.

His ankle was snatched, and he let out another scream as he was pulled backwards towards the creature. Tubbo fought desperately, kicking violently against the hand, but lack of sleep and air made him weak.

Tubbo felt the second long hand wrap its way around his neck, and the creature that resembled his husband hissed into his face. The brunette gulped down a sob.
This wasn't Ranboo.

He was going to die.

In a last desperate attempt before he lost consciousness, he grasped for his platonic husband's name.

The grip against his throat lessened. Garbled noises came from the creature before him. Tubbo, who had his eyes squeezed shut before, now opened them. "Ranboo? You there, big guy?"

Tubbo brought up one of his much smaller hands to the one around his throat. "Is it you?"

The creature cocked his head to the side, like a confused dog. "⏁⎍⏚⏚⍜?"

Tubbo didn't understand a thing of what he was trying to say. He tried again. "Ranboo?"

Something that resembled recognition flashed through the eyes of the man before him. Tubbo was placed gently down on the floor. An awkward hand was placed on top of Tubbo's head.

It's speech was distorted, and strange, but it resembled common well enough.

He turned around and ducked back beneath the door, muttering in another language all the way.

Tubbo watched him, incredulously.
Did he just fucking call me bee?

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