Alarm Bells Would Ring

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What the fuck..?

Tommy peeled himself off of his mattress (that was unfortunately on the floor), and rubbed his head.
I thought I heard someone.. shouting..?

His brain was heavy with sleep, and he groaned at the thought of yet another argument someone started in the middle of the prime path.
Or, even worse, a nightmare.

The blonde picked himself up onto his feet and to the window. Scratching the back of his neck, he peered through a glass-less frame.

Scanning the oak planks and remaining tree line, he seeked any sort of human figure, anything to prove it wasn't quite a nightmare.
Hopefully, it was just a fight, caused by high tension and low sleep.

Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, he ducked back inside, prepared to get a few more hours before dawn.


The fuck..?

Instincts kicking in, he ducked below the frame, dropping into a low crouch. Whatever it was, it was probably harmless (and probably an enderman), but something made him stay cautious.
Something deep.

Poking his head over the dirt and grass, he had another good look over the path.
Eyes managed to catch on something a little blacker than the darkness.


An enderman, tall and lanky, to the right from where he was. It was striding down the path with purpose, place where it had teleported before still lingering with a few stray particles.
Green, he noted.



Grabbing his sword as a precaution, he pushed open the spruce door. Call him paranoid, but he oiled the hinges every day, just for the situation.

Tubbo had laughed when he admitted to the practice, but now it seemed perfect for the situation.
It's not just every day you seen a green enderman.

He slipped out, pulling the door shut behind him. Years of robbing served him well.

Tommy made sure to keep off the path, (grass would be quieter here), and he hugged the walls of his house. Upon closer inspection, the enderman was wearing... clothing..?

To his horror, he recognized the three-piece suit the creature was sporting.
Is that Ranboo..?

The blonde had never seen him walk like that, legs bent at awkward angles and arms elongated and sharp. He looked unnatural, like a dog forced to stand on two legs; just too vertical and just too... painful.
Something was terribly wrong here.

Tommy let the diamond of his sword reflect around his house, allowing him to see the creature evacuating the area with speed.
It was walking fast, with so much purpose he couldn't be convinced it was the- whatever the fuck it was.
Something like sleepwalking, but worse.

He watched quietly as it disappeared with a vwoop. Clearly, Ranboo (or whatever he should call the thing), had somewhere to be.

Gathering up his courage, he clutched the sword in a bandaged hand.
He was suddenly very awake.


Tubbo felt his legs begin to get sore as they just barely reached the side of the prison, letting his scarred hand flatten against cold blackstone. He had refused to turn back 'round, refused to see whatever had been behind them, chalking it up to unhealthy amounts of stress. He bowed his head and allowed himself to pant for a moment.
If he wanted to keep going, he would have to reclaim his breath.

Foolish clapped him on the shoulder, almost sure that at this point they were safe. He... must have not heard it.
He went to the door, banging on silver gates.

Micheal, who still had little to no grasp of the situation, tugged at the collar of Tubbo's coat. "Papa?"

Tubbo sucked in a shallow, sobbing breath and coughed it back out. Weakly, he smiled. "Yes honey..?"

The goat stood up and brought Micheal closer to his face. Micheal pointed frantically towards the east.
The boy frowned. "What is it, Micheal..?"

Micheal pointed again. "Sun!"
Tubbo lifted up a hand to squint into the bright light, trying to see better.
"Yes Micheal, it's sunri-"

He took a second look, the peak over the sunrise shining directly in his eyes yet again. "Oh."
A figure was set as a silhouette against the sun, spotlight turning them to nothing but a shadow. Why was he there now..? Wasn't he.. behind them?

They may have had no features up front, but Tubbo could still make out the spikes that ripped out of it's shoulders, elongated horns and lanky, long arms. 
He was coming, he hadn't stopped, and he was going to be here any second now.

Turning Micheal away from the sight, he ran to the door where Foolish stood, seemingly a bit frustrated as he banged once more on the iron gates. "SAM, WAKE UP! WE NEED TO TELL YA SOMETHING-"
The sound clashed awkwardly against Tubbo's ears and he visibly winced.

Foolish glanced over at him. "Sorry, Tubbo."

Tubbo grimaced. "No time for that now, or good friend Dream is *still coming.* He can't even stop for a fucking break!?"

Foolish's eyes grew wide. "Still? What do we do!? Ranboo said to find Sam, go to the prison, what the fuck do we do!?"

"I don't know!," Tubbo shouted back.
Looking frantically from side to side, he thought up a plan. He just hoped Sam was as paranoid as he thought.
He stepped back and landed one good kick on the iron gate. The thick hoof dented the iron, creating a resounding clang.

"Woah woah woah what are you doing.?!?," Foolish exclaimed, grabbing his arm.

Tubbo grunted, transferring Micheal into Foolish's arms.
"Something that'll get his attention."
So he landed another kick.


And another.




One more.


The iron smashed inwards, scraping and cutting against hoof and leg. His hoof stuck against the second security door, but he wasn't worried.
The alarms would be sounding any second.

985 words

Trust me y'all, the build up has good reason.

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