It's No Longer Him.

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Instead of a nightmare, this time it was Ranboo who woke him. He was shaking him all too gently by the shoulders, clawed fingers pressing into his back.

"W- what the fuck?," Tubbo said, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
"Tubbo wake up there's no time, Tubbo-"

Tubbo picked himself up off the warm sheets and blankets. (Goddamnit Ranboo, I was comfy!) And faced his platonic husband with open heart and mind.
"What's up?"

He immediately noticed things were wrong. Very wrong.

Ranboo was shaking, speech stuttering and slipping in to enderian.
Tubbo knew that whenever Ranboo was anxious, he would unconsciously slip into the other language, which made things pretty difficult to communicate.
The hybrid needed *help*.

So he needed to help.

The goat boy reached up, and pulled his friend down into a hug.
Ranboo was hunched over, nearly folded in half to reach the boy, but it was alright.
They were used to it.

Ranboo let out a long, drawn out sigh, melting just a little bit into the touch. He needed this.
But he couldn't relax, not right now.

Tubbo was in danger.

Ranboo pulled Tubbo out of bed, helping him into the boots by the bed and leading him down the stairs.
"Ranboo, what's going on???"

The mansion was cold, and the brunette rubbed his arms against the cold mansion air.
Ranboo visibly winced. "Tubbo, I need you to do something for me. Get on your coat, please."

Tubbo could hear how Ranboo fumbled over his name as he turned, and started towards Micheal's room.
What the fuck..?

Tubbo pulled on his favorite brown coat, warm and fluffy against his skin. He pulled it on, eager to escape the cold. He looked quite the strange sight in the pajama pants and the elaborate coat. It clashed terribly, but it would do.

Ranboo came back, Micheal wrapped securely in a thick blanket in his arms. Ranboo also held his axe, a wicked thing that Tubbo had seen only a few times, only when Ranboo had truly needed it.
The goat boy saw his own concerned reflection in the cold netherite.

Ranboo was holding back tears, he could see it now. Steam clouded red and green eyes, enough that Tubbo couldn't quite see them. Only color.
The enderian planted a kiss on the sleeping toddler's forehead, before placing him gently within Tubbo's arms. The boy accepted Micheal without question.
Tubbo had never been more confused. He moved to reach a hand up to Ranboo's face. "Ranboo?"

Ranboo flinched away from his hand and Tubbo's ears flattened against his head. "Ranboo please, what's going on.?"

The enderman hybrid opened his mouth, he looked so eager to tell him but something stopped him. His eyes flickered, and to Tubbo's horror, it wasn't over in purple.

It was green.

Quickly, Ranboo handed the brunette his axe. The grip was built for much bigger hands, but Tubbo was adaptable. He could use it.
Ranboo fussed over Tubbo and Micheal, bundling them both up for cold. "I need you to leave here, go to Sam, find him and tell him it's him, he's back-"

"Ranboo, this isn't funny what the hell is going on?!," the boy said, gripping Micheal in one hand, shifting the axe to the sheath on his back with the other.
Ranboo almost cried then and there. "I can't tell you, I can't tell you Tubbo please,... he won't let me. Please just-"

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