Alarm Bells Would Ring [2]

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Tommy rushed down the path, diamond sword in hand. He tried his best to move as quietly as possible, but when the sirens started he gave up all sense of caution.

If the sirens meant what he thought they meant, caution wasn't important now.


Sam opened the door.
Tubbo could feel the from tremors iron scraping against his hoof.
"..Tubbo? What the hell are you doing-"

Tubbo tugged at his leg. "Sam, I'm stuck could you-"

"Yeah, sure-," he said, moving to help by nature.
He pushed from the other side, warden strength helping his feat.

Foolish waved sheepishly from behind the goat boy, and Micheal waved too, following Foolish's lead.
He bared his little boar teeth, and Sam wasn't quite sure what to think.
He had joked about killing the little thing before, after all.

Sam gave one good push, and suddenly Tubbo's leg popped out from the iron gate.
He rubbed his leg tentatively.
"Sam, Sam we need to talk to you-"

"Can we talk inside?-" Foolish bumped in- "We uh- have a problem-"

Sam ran his hand through his hair. "That doesn't answer my question!- You didn't have to break the fucking door-"

The creeper sighed. "What, Tubbo? What could you possibly have to say-"
"It's about Ranboo."

Sam cocked an eyebrow. "What?"

"Dream has him."

Silently, the green giant lifted up the iron gate.


Tubbo and Foolish trailed behind Sam, watching him unlock various gates and doors as they were taken further into the prison.
"I knew he was acting strange... he said there was something he couldn't say- he needed to be put in the prison why didn't I listen-"

The brunette's ears pricked up. "What..?"
Sam turned his head to accommodate his height. "He didn't mention-"

"He wanted to be- in the prison?? What did he do?," Tubbo asked, eyebrows knotting in concern.

Sam shrugged, continuing on the path. "Many things apparently. He said- he said he couldn't tell me." His expression turned dark. "And he did- he tried but, it was like he was... stopped."
Tubbo's eyes widened as things started to click.

"By what?," Foolish asked from the back.

Sam stopped, ears flicking.
"I don't know."

Tubbo grimaced. "It was Dream."


"The bastard must have made him keep from telling anyone, so he couldn't get help, used him like... a weapon. And then Dream took him over, he took advantage of the enderwalk and he used him-"
The brunette clutched his arms.

"He made my own husband try and kill us, Sam."

Sam winced, and Foolish put a hand on his shoulder.
The totem god formed a soft smile. "We're gonna get him back."

The Axe of Ender materialized in Tubbo's hand, and he let Foolish's smile duplicate onto his face.
But it was a cruder recreation.

"I know."


They arrived in front of the cell, lava casting a glow on all of their faces.
Foolish had carefully turned Micheal away from the sight, he never wanted the child to see him.
Tubbo glanced over to his son (about at his eye level due to Foolish's height), and smiled.
He would thank the god later.

But now, he readied a weapon.
If this meant torture, or killing the green bastard, it would be worth it.

Dream would pay for what he did to their family.

Sam's hand made it's way to a lever and pushed it down. I'm sorry, Quackity.


The lava descended slowly, chunks of molten rock making it's way down at it's own pace, despite the anticipation from the present party.
Sam had already decided that keeping Dream alive was too much of a risk.

The golden liquid parted in sheaths, revealing the top of the cell. And as more and more of the structure was revealed, their hearts sank.

Too late.


Sam had always said, that whenever Dream escaped, alarm bells would sound over the smp.

A warning.

And now—as he tuned back in to the distant sirens from the door—,

He realized he was correct.

683 words

Hahahahaha y'all thought we were gonna have fluff no ❤️
[Double update with the hc book, check that out if you want more DSMP stuff :)]

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