God of Blood, God of Death

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I apologize in advance. :)

Techno broke down the door with the strength only a blood god could pull. The voices in his head screamed wildly, fearful voices rising in one harmony.

"TUBBO," he roared, scanning the foyer. "WHERE ARE YOU?"

He pricked his ears, waiting for a response, and when none was heard, started up the stairs. "TUBBO ARE YOU ALRIGHT?"

The blood god rarely felt fear, most of the time he only felt rage in these situations.
Bloodcurdling, terrifying, rage.
But then again, in most situations, there was someone to stab.

In here, there was only a silent house.

The voices in his head were unnaturally quiet, only hushed whispers of fear. They whispered to each other, to Techno, and prayed for the best.

His hand met the staircase railing.

The first few stairs.

Thump thump.

Almost there.

Techno's voice dropped to a whisper. "Tubbo...?"

A whimper.

That was all he needed to hear.

The next few stairs were ascended in a flourish, and he leapt up to the landing, trident in hand. The blood god angled it towards the noise.

"You bastard-"

Tubbo was on the floor, kneeling in front of the green bitch himself, knife leveled at his throat.
To Techno's horror, the brunette was clutching at a bloody, pink, body. He was crying.

At Dream's side, was an elongated and disfigured Ranboo. He noted fresh burn scars on his face, and scars up and down his body. Techno had always considered Ranboo as kin, perhaps even a brother.
It was terrible to see him so obviously in pain.

"Techno! How nice of you to join us!"

Techno gritted his teeth. "Let him go, Dream."

The blonde's mask matched that of what was underneath. "Straight to formalities huh? Not even a hello? 'Nice to see you,' even?"

The god only responded by clutching the Trident in both hands.
"I said, let him go."

Dream snapped his fingers. The Ranboo-thing jerked forward like a puppet on strings, and moved in front of the masked man.
"You'd have to go through him, first, Techno. I thought you didn't like little Tubbo here?"

Tubbo grunted like he wanted to retaliate, but for the most part stayed silent.

Techno's brow furrowed. "I don't. But I do care for the kid, so let him go."

Dream's smile split even wider. "Then you won't mind me calling in my favor?"
"Hell no!-"

"I know you hate the kid Techno, so here's your chance! Hell, if the little baby of his is still alive, you can have it for your own."

Tubbo growled something fierce.

Dream turned his attention to the brunette. "What Tubbo? Have something to say?"

Tubbo shifted awkwardly. Techno reckoned it must hurt to be on his knees that long. "His name is Micheal."

The blonde's grin grew dangerous. "What?"

"I said—his name is Micheal. Did I stutter? Or are you just too daft to understand what I'm saying?"

"Watch it, kid. You don't know what you're messing with-"

"Do I need to spell it out for you? M-I-C-H—"

Tubbo let out a yelp as Dream pressed the knife further into his neck. The man's teeth were pressed together, Techno could hear it in his voice.
"And I 'said'— watch it, Mr. President."

Techno stepped forward, but Ranboo got in his way. He noticed, shocked, that Ranboo was crying. The tears moved steam up his face, the glow from his eyes catching in the clouds.
Dream-brand green.

"Dream, if you make one more move I will kill you."

He blonde pressed his knife against Tubbo's neck. "And I'll slit his throat right now if you try. Now about that favor.."

"I owe you nothing. You did nothing but hurt and rob my family, I see that now."

"Techno, you and I both know you have no 'familial bonds,'" Dream sneered. "You killed and blew up all your feelings before you could form any."

Techno pretended not to take it to heart. "And I regret it now, Dream. You never cared for me, but at least a few of them do. And that is why I want you to hand Tubbo and the kid over."
His voice dropped a few octaves. "Don't make me do this the hard way."

Dream grinned. "What are you going to do to me? There's nothing you can threaten me with! I have no connections! No attachments! And power over life and death! I am more of a god than you'll ever be!"

Techno fell silent.

Dream let out a manic breath. "I'm cashing in my favor now, Techno. Then you'll be free, and you and your buddy Phil could take the kid and leave. I'll never bother you again. Nomad life, all that shit."
"But I'll need you to kill Tubbo here."

The pink haired man reeled. "What? Why..? What for??"

"Well... THIS one-" Dream jutted a thumb towards Ranboo angrily, "can't seem to follow a simple task. He failed."

The masked man turned his head to Techno. "And so far, you are the only one who could actually kill someone! You were able to stick to orders, even if it was under that alcoholic bitch!"

Dream shoved Tubbo roughly to the ground, and Techno flinched when he heard the resounding smack. "So kill him. 'Blood for the blood god,' right? You already did it once, why not one more time?"
The blonde bowed low, gesturing a hand out. "A sacrifice."

Tubbo sucked in a shuddering breath, still curled around Micheal. He had never looked so small.

The man shook his head. "N-no. You're a liar, Dream."

Dream picked up Tubbo by the scruff of his shirt. "You're making a mistake, Techno."

Tubbo stayed silent, letting a few tears drip down his face. Micheal was broken in his arms, but Techno was experienced enough to see the rise and fall of his little chest.
Still alive, but he would need treatment.

"No, Dream. That is final."

Dream's mask almost glowed. "Fine. I'll do it myself."
He raised up the knife, but before he could do anything, it was knocked from his hand.

Techno had lunged past Ranboo, straight face to face with Dream, trident pointed at his neck.
Immediately, Dream dropped Tubbo and threw up his hands.
"Woahhh there buddy! No need to get violent—"

The man... no, the god's ears flattened against his head.
"Tubbo, go find Phil. Get him to get Micheal some healing pots. Dream and I are going to talk."

Tubbo scraped himself up off the floor, flipped off Dream, and took off, Micheal in hand. Techno could hear his hooves clacking on the stairs.

Dream flicked his wrist after him.
Techno's eyes widened, and he turned behind him. "Wait-"

But Ranboo was already gone.

"Fuck," Techno said, turning back to Dream. "You're gonna pay for that, you-"

Dream pointed the dagger that had been previously abandoned on the floor.
"You what?"

1159 words


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