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I'm just letting all new and veteran readers know that this first book is under construction. I am editing it daily so you can get a clear and great experience from the series. 

Thank you for all the support, and lovely comments/critiques from the We Meet Again series, my BB💚💜RAE AU! I will have the first book done and re-uploaded by Friday!

***DONE 6/9/2021*** Book 1 is edited and uploaded.

 Then I will do the same for book 2. (take it down for a while to edit, then re-upload).

So until then, enjoy the others stories, although they all need a little or a lot of editing too. 😁😁😊😊.

Angiree June 10,2021

(P.S.) Book 3 will be uploaded with new chapters weekly. 😉😉

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