~Chapter 4~

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Awkward Stares


"Ma'am, I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you a ticket. You were going much too fast; 28 miles over the speed limit. Why the rush?" The police officer interrogated me. I was losing precious time, so by the time he had made it to my door, I had my license and car registration out, and my car window down. But, surprisingly enough, my mood was still pretty good.

"I'm sorry, Officer. I'm on my way to a One Direction concert. I mean no disrespect by this, but could you please hurry? I'm losing time." I said in the nicest way possible.

"Sure. I'll be right back." he said and walked off with a small smirk.

After less than five minutes, he came back and handed me my ticket for $100, money I didn't have. He told me to go slow and have fun at the concert, and I drove off quickly, almost forgetting I just got a ticket.

I finally made my way through traffic to the arena. It was huge; larger than I ever expected it would be. I gave my ticket to the clerk at the door. Walking in wasn't something everyone got the change to see. It's like everyone in the world was piled into one small room. I could hardly move but managed to find my sea, almost in the dead center of the arena. I waited a few minutes, and finally the slideshow came onto the screen that I had been waiting for. I knew what was going to happen because I had the DVD of their tour. I knew all the information that appeared: Harry likes girls, Niall likes food, Zayn hates burps, Louis loves suspenders, Liam doesn't like spoons. And then, the most glorious thing happened: the boys ran out.

"We're like 'na, na, nah'. Then we're like 'yeah, yeah, yeah'. Always like 'na, na, na'. Then we're like 'yeah, yeah, yeah'." I screamed and sang along with them, knowing every word by heart and who was singing without even looking up at the stage. I turned my attention to my favorite, Harry, and surprisingly, he wasn't singing. Or moving, for that matter. And what was even more odd, was that he was staring straight at me. I shook my head and looked back, and sure enough, he was still standing there staring at me. Why was he doing this? I waved and gave a soft smile, and he smiled back, showing the dimples I loved in him. Finally, he turned away and started singing again. Did I just imagine that, or did Harry Styles actually stare at me?

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