Chapter 2: Apology Cookies

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It was the night of first game Lucas was playing in and Rae had just finished her shift at the cafe, Keith, Lucas' uncle, Haley, and herself were all ready to leave. Pulling a jean Jacket on over her flower pattern crop top she makes her way over to the glass door with Keith behind her.
"Karen! It's time to go! Are you ready?" Keith yells out to Karen who walks up to the counter with a bunch of coffee filters in her hands looking nowhere near ready to go.
" I'm not going, I've decided to stay open for the night, we could use the business." she said putting the filters down beside the coffee machines.
" Karen, you know Lucas really wants you there." Rae says turning around looking at her with a sad look on her face.
" Karen, did you talk to Luke about this?"
" Well, no but he'll understand."
" She doesn't wanna go," Haley says leaning on the door to the cafe where Rae had just been standing in her cheer uniform.
" She doesn't want to see her high school sweetheart slash your brother dan."
"Slash the jerk that abandoned Lucas" Rae adds looking over at Haley.
"Slash the father of Nathan the team's star player, slash my wrists if I have to hear this story one more time." Haley finishes getting ready to go out the door.
"Wait, weren't you supposed to be there early?" Rae asks, raising an eyebrow at Haley.
"Oh crap I was, lets go." she says using her back to open the door and rushing out. Rae and Keith chuckle and follow her.

At the school Keith went to go find them a seat as Rae went to go find Lucas to wish him good luck, then seeing her brother and Jimmy she went up to them.
" What are you guys up to?" she asks, looking down at Jimmy's shirt and reading it. ", are you guys going to start a webcast?"
" Yes exactly, that's why you're my favourite sister." Mouth says with a huge smile on his face pointing at Rae.
" I'm your only sister." she says looking at them weirdly raising one of her eyebrows and pointing at him. Before he can answer back they all see Lucas coming down the hall out of what must have been the coach's office holding a Tree Hill Ravens jersey.
" Hey Luke good luck out there, you're going to do great." she says, giving him a side hug.
"Could we get a word, before your first big game?" Mouth asks Lucas and Jimmy buts in adding,
"Were going to put it online." Then pointing down at his shirt he says smiling. " At"
"Yeah we're going to do a webcast and everything." Mouth says excitedly. Then Whitey comes out from his office and steps out from behind Lucas and seeing the three of them he focuses on Mouth holding the recording device up to Lucas.
" Whats going on here?" He says with a stern look on his face.
"Well we have this website." Mouth says nervous, still holding out his recorder.
"Yeah we're sports announcers." Jimmy adds pointing out the words on his shirt again.
" Not in here you're not, the locker room is closed, no-" he pauses trying to think of a word to say, " media." he looks at them oddly and walks down the hallway out to the gym.
" Did you hear that Rae, he said we were the media." He says looking over at her she just throws out a thumbs up and smiles slightly laughing at his enthusiasm.
" Not just any media, banned media." Jimmy says looking over at Mouth nodding his head before they both leave down the hall with huge smiles on their faces. Rae watched them for a moment before looking back at Lucas seeing him look a bit excited and nervous.
" I'll go so you can prep, but don't worry you are going to do amazing, okay. " she said looking at Lucas putting her hands on his shoulders.
" Thanks, I should probably go." he says looking like he doesn't believe her at all before turning away and walking into the locker room. Rae lets out a big sigh still looking at the locker room door then turning around she makes her way back into the gym and sees Keith sitting halfway up the bleachers.
" So you've finally come to see your nephew play?" she hears Dan ask Keith obviously talking about Nathan, before she comes and, rolling her eyes she sits down next to him.
" You could say that." Keith answers looking over at Rae smiling then Dan goes and sits down a few rows over. Looking around she saw her brother and Jimmy sitting not too far over from her and Keith. The guys all come out in their team jersey covers and start warming up, throwing the ball around, she could see Lucas off to the side throwing a ball before Dan calls out something and he turns around looking at him, they both share an awkward look with each other. Nathan then runs over and throws the ball at him before saying something to Lucas. Rae just sits there curiosity going through her at what he said to him.
The game then starts and Ravens start scoring but everytime Lucas gets the ball and aims for the net he misses.
" Go Luke! You got this!" She yells out over the buzz of the crowd right before he shoots again and again it bounces off the rim of the basket and into the hands of one the other teams players. Whitey calls him over and she sees Lucas rub his face with a towel and sit down on the bench, sighing she slouches down in her seat leaning forward onto her knees and for the rest of the game thats where he stayed.

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