Chapter 4: Tutoring

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The next day Rae walked into math class and looking around she saw Nathan sitting a few seats away, how she never noticed he was in this class before today was beyond her. Moving she slid into her seat and ignoring Nathan's stares she put her head down and focuses on taking her supplies out of her bag.
" Hello class." Mrs Mallory walks in holding a stack of papers, her heels clicking on the ground. "Today we are going to be doing a pop quiz on the current unit we've been working on." She says this with a smile as everyone except Rae groans.
"Oh come down everyone it's only a pop quiz." Mrs Mallory says as she walks around handing out the Papers.
"You guys have an hour to complete it, and time starts now." Rae quickly looks down and starts filling out the 2 sided paper covered in algebra questions,
After about 45 mins she finishes and starts doodling little designs on the edges of the paper surrounding her name. Sitting there her thoughts start to go to Nathan wondering how he's doing on this pop quiz, she slowly turns her head and looks over at him.
He was struggling, that's one thing she could tell. He looked down at the paper in front of him with his eyebrows furrowed and frustration etched on his face. She looked away then looking back at him she knew at that moment he wasn't lying he did need her help.

"Okay I'm gonna go mom!" Rae yelled up the stairs while pulling on her jacket
"Okay, have fun." Her mom said coming up from behind her making her jump and turn around with her hand on her chest.
"Oh my!" she says letting out a weird noise. "I thought you were upstairs."
"Oh no, I was in the kitchen but I thought it would be funny to scare you." Mom says wiping her hands on the dish towel draped across her shoulder.
"It was not funny." she says pouting and crossing her arms.
Her mom walked towards her and put her hands on Rae's cheeks. "I'm sorry sweetheart, but it was." She says letting out a laugh.
"What happened down here?" Her stepdad came down from upstairs one hand in the pocket of his black denim jeans and the other holding a red plaid shirt.
"She scared me." Rae says still pouting.
"Good one babe," He says raising a hand to her mom and she high fives him.
"You guys are horrible, you're acting like children." Rae says shaking her head and slightly laughing. "Okay I gotta go I'm meeting Luke at the theatre."
"You want to borrow the truck?" Johnny asks, putting an arm around her mom's shoulder. Rae stops with her hand on the door knob.
"Could I?" She says turning around. He just laughs and pulls the keys out of his back pocket tossing them to her. She goes to catch them but fumbles and they drop to the floor.
"Thank you." She says with an embarrassed look on her face as she reaches down to grab them. Her mother bursts out laughing as Johnny just shakes his head with an amused look on his face.
"Good one kid." He says sarcastically.
" Okay I'm gonna go now, love you guys." She says ignoring his remark as she turns to leave.
"Have a good time sweetie." Her mom says as she nudges Johnny causing him to groan.
"I will, bye." she says chuckling and waving as she gets into the truck.
She gets to the theatre and sees that Lucas hadn't shown up yet checking the time she stands outside hugging her green army jacket closer to her body to keep in the warmth. After about an hour Lucas still hadn't shown up yet, so pulling out her cell phone she calls him.
"Hey Luke, it's Rae. Where are you? The movie started a half an hour ago, I'm starting to get worried, please call me when you get this." she says worry in her voice, getting his voice mail.
Shoving her phone back into her bag she stands there for a few moments, her skirt rippling in the wind, wishing she had brought her leg warmers. Deciding not to wait any longer she walks back to the truck and starts to drive home.

The next day Rae was sitting on a bench in the park working on her homework, looking down at her notebook she could see in the corner of her eye someone walking up towards her.
"Hey." tilting her hat up she looks and sees Lucas coming up to her, his backpack on one shoulder and sweater in his hands.
"Hey." She closes her books and standing up she places them on the bench.
"I tried to call you about last night, I'm sorry." He says running up the steps in front of where she was sitting.
"It's okay, I heard what happened from your mom, are you alright? I was really worried about you." She says shoving her homework into her bag.
"Yeah I know, I'm really sorry."
"It's okay, I just want things to get better for you Luke." she says putting her hands on her jean clad hips and sighing.
"Trust me so do I." He says letting out a slight laugh.
"They're not going to, are they?"
"Well not without a fight." Lucas looks at her squinting at the sun, Rae looks away from him concerned and lets out a sigh
"Hey," He says, reaching over to pull her into a hug. " I'm gonna find a way to get past this I promise."
While in the hug Rae realises a way to stop Lucas from being bothered, and that's tutor Nathan.
"You know what," She pulls away from the hug, looking down she scrunches her face "I got to do something."
"Okay." Lucas says looking at her confused.
" I will see you tomorrow night for the burning boat, okay?" She starts to move away from Lucas after putting her books away and grabbing her bag off the bench.
"Okay." Lucas says watching her slowly leave. She starts to walk away but stops at the feeling of guilt in her chest.
"Um I'm sorry too." She turns back around sliding her small backpack on her shoulder.
"Sorry about what." He says, eyebrows furrowing.
"Nevermind, just I'll see you tomorrow." She says before quickly leaving, Lucas left behind to stare at her retreating form.

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