Chapter 6: Friendship Fixing

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Rae laid in bed awake thinking about Nathan and the words that he said, she doesn't know what it was, but she could feel that he was telling the truth.

Gosh, what has she gotten herself into?

Stretching out she turned onto her side. She couldn't see how she was so careless leaving her hat in Peyton's car.

How did Lucas find it anyway? It's not like it was in an area where he goes all the time.

Letting out a big sigh she fluffed up her pillow before flipping onto her back again, staring up at the ceiling the little glowing stars shone down on her.

All she could see before sleep overtook her was the look of betrayal on Lucas' face before he turned away from her.

The smell of bacon and eggs filled her nostrils as she woke up, slowly peeling open her eyelids the bright sunlight shone into the room adding a soft yellow light brightening the pastel pink walls.

She flinched at the brightness and blinking her eyes slowly the room came back into focus.

Reaching up she rubbed them, clearing the remaining blur and wiping the sleep from the corners.

Sighing she laid there for a moment before sliding out from under the warm quilt, her bare feet pressing into the soft carpet.

Standing up she grabbed an orange yarn sweater off the back of the door and slipping it on she opened the door. Hearing the sound of Mom's voice singing up from the kitchen caused a smile to spread across her face.

Her feet padded on the hardwood steps as she made her way into the kitchen where her mom was sitting at the table eating an apple as she hummed along to the music that streamed from the radio.

"Good morning," Rae says quietly, pulling a chair out and flopping down into it.

" What's the matter?" Mom says looking up from the paper in front of her and turning down the music.

" Oh um nothing." She says leaning her head into her hand as she looks down at the wood table.

Mom just gives her a look raising her eyebrow, she puts the newspaper down and turns her body towards Rae.

" Okay fine," Rae says, sitting straight again. " you know how Nathan drove me home from the party couple of nights ago?" Mom just nods her head.

" Well, I must have left my hat in the car and somehow Lucas found it and he must have seen Nathan driving the car and put two and two together, and now he thinks I've betrayed him."

" Well did you explain?" Mom says leaning forward and grabbing her hand.

" He didn't let me, he just left, I tried to but he wouldn't listen to me." Mom rubs Rae's hand with her thumb. "I was just trying to help mum, Nathan and the team were hassling him and when I started to tutor Nathan I made him promise to stop." She explains a tears welling up in her eyes.

" Did he stop?" Mom asks, tilting her head.

" Yes." I pause looking down at my hands, "I just, I can't lose Lucas, mum. He's my best friend."

" You won't lose him, baby, just find him and explain."

" Okay," I say sniffling slightly before Mom pulls me into a hug and I slump into her.

Later on in the day, she walks down the street towards Karen's cafe ready to confront Lucas and explain.

She sees the cafe up ahead and holding her head up she takes a deep breath before she steps up to the doors and goes to pull them open.

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