Chapter 8: Pickerington

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Driving down an abandoned road, Rae sits in the passenger seat of Brooke's car with Peyton driving,music blasting through the speakers.

Dancing along to the beat together, the song starts to end as Rae does an air drum solo her hair flying everywhere. The song ends as Rae finishes with a final hit with the invisible drumstick.

Taking a deep breath, she pulls her hair out of her face and laughs. Glancing behind her, she sees Brooke still passed out in the backseat.

Letting out a slight laugh, Rae turns back to look out the window as a comfortable silence fills the car.

"Okay, we need more music," Peyton says. Taking her eyes away from the road, she reaches down to look through the CDs that are next to her.

Looking over at Peyton, Rae tries to see as well but giving up she looks back at the road in front of them. Gasping, she sees a pair of headlights coming full speed at them.

"PEYTON!" She yells, panicked reaching over and pushing Peyton, getting her attention. She quickly reaches over and pulls the wheel out of the way of the oncoming car.

Relief fills Rae's body as Peyton looks sheepishly over at her. "Sorry."

Behind them, Brooke jolts up at the noise, looking around confused she tries to understand what was happening.

"Where are we?" She says out of it.

"Miles from normal," Raelynn says a little to herself as she rubs her eyes while looking back at brooke.

" What is she doing here?" Brooke asks, looking over at Peyton still just as confused.

Peyton looks back at her amusement, filling her eyes,

" You invited her." she chuckles at the look on Brooke's face before she reaches over and turns on the radio, blasting the music throughout the car.

Brooke quickly reaches up and grabs her head with a look of pain on her face before she curls back into a ball on the backseat.


A little bit later, the song ends as Brooke still sits, her hands covering her ears.

"Okay, that was awesome." Rae says a smile on her face as she looks over to Peyton, "What's next?"

"Um, you pick," Peyton says as Brooke gives her a weird look before pulling her hands away from her head.

"Okay," Rae says, reaching down, but before she can put anything in, she glances up and sees two guys standing in the middle of the road. "Wait, there's someone on the road."

All three of them lean forward, trying to get a better look as they come to a stop in front of them.

"Wait a second," Rae squints, " Is that Nathan and Lucas?"

"Could this night get any freakier?" Peyton says, slumping back in her seat.

" What the hell is going on?" Brooke says.

*** 12 hours earlier***

Raelyn walks through the school, exhausted. Pulling her bag up her shoulder she reaches up to rub the blurriness from her eyes. Yawning, she looks up and sees Lucas walking towards her, crossing her arms she greets him.

"Hello, stranger." Getting to him, she leans against the locker next to him, pulling her knitted sweater tightly across her body, keeping out the slight chill.

"Hm, no stranger than you," he answers, pulling out his books before slamming the locker door.

"Hmm." she says, raising an eyebrow, Then agreeing," I guess so."

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