Chapter 5: The Scott Beach House

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Lucas and Rae are driving down the road after the most recent basketball game making their way to a party that Nathan invited Lucas to.
"These guys kidnapped you, trashed the rivercourt, and threatened you with bodily harm, but a party," She looks over at Lucas and sighing fixes the multicoloured touque on her head. "Yeah, sure why not. Let's party woohoo." She throws her hands up with a fake smile and leans against the window.
" Listen, I know it's all a set up okay, but I won't let them screw with me. Whatever he dishes out he's gonna get back double." Lucas says focusing on the road in front of them a determined look on his face.
" um, do you think maybe- I mean just maybe- he's had a change of heart." She says looking over at Lucas.
"That would require a heart." Lucas answers bitterly, still staring out at the road.
"Okay um is Haley gonna be there." She says trying to change the subject off of Nathan.
"Yeah, she's going to be meeting us there."
"Okay." She sighs then looking out the window she sees that they had pulled up in front of the Scott beach house where the party was being held.
Lucas parks his truck in front of the house and they both get out, Rae's red skirt flowing behind her as she slams the door. Making their way into the house, Rae pulls on her jean jacket and turns her head seeing people mingling in front among them was Nathan, Tim (Nathan's best friend), Peyton, and Brooke (Peyton's best friend).
"I wasn't sure you'd come." Nathan says walking towards Lucas and stopping him before he can go any further.
"That makes two of us." Lucas answers looking at Nathan with a hard look on his face before continuing up the stairs and into the house.
Rae goes to follow him but Nathan steps in front of her stopping her from moving any further.
"Hey I'm Nathan." He says sticking out his hand for her to shake, acting like they had never met before, following the rules that he agreed to before she started tutoring him.
"Yeah I know, I'm Raelynn." She replies while grabbing his hand, shaking it as he gives her a charming smile. She then awkwardly moves past him, following Lucas into the beach house, passing by, Peyton gives her an odd stare.
Rae walks in seeing people stumbling around some probably already drunk even though it was only the beginning of the night.
She looks around in awe. The place was huge, in the living room there was a wall of windows looking out onto the water and a big elegant fireplace. Both the kitchen and living room were attached and the kitchen was just as rich as the rest of the house, and every aspect of the place was definitely on the high end side. She whistles moving her head around taking in everything from the hardwood floor to the high ceilings.
"I bet their plumbing works." she says to Lucas mentioning the problem he is having at home with the water not working. Lucas just looks over at her with a serious look. "I'm just saying..."
"Alright thanks" He says sarcastically before letting out a chuckle while looking around at everything.
"Yeah." she says then suddenly she feels a weight on her back and grunts.
"Hey Hales." she says turning her head and seeing Haley hanging off her back.
"Hello!" Haley says jumping off her back and stepping in between Rae and Lucas. "So how are my bestest friends doing?"
"Oh you know, just trying not to attack Nathan." Lukas says
"So the usual then." Haley says, chuckling as she throws her arm around his shoulder.
"Rae?" She asks, turning her head to Rae as she tugs at her jean jacket.
"I'm good, just kind of wanna go already." she replies looking uncomfortable at the environment she was in.
"Oh come on, you guys just got here." Haley says moving over to Rae and putting her hands on her shoulders. "Just hang out for a bit and try to have fun. I'm gonna go and get a drink." She then bounces away over to the kitchen as Lucas and Rae continue to walk through the house.
"I think the cheerleader life has gotten to her." Rae says looking back over at Lucas, Lucas just gives her a look. "Okay, okay I'll try to have fun in this alternate reality we're living in."
"You do that." Lucas says laughing.
"I'm gonna go get a drink." leaving Lucas she goes to the kitchen and looking around for Haley she sees her nowhere to be found. She looks down at the island and sees a variety of drinks. Seeing a can of lemonade she grabs it, pouring some into a red solo cup she moves back over to Lucas, getting to him she takes a big sip of her drink and pretends to dance.
"Woah! Yeah! Yippy!" She says sarcastically, taking a big sip of her drink and pretending to wince at the non existent alcohol. "Woohoo!"
Then dropping her act she slouches down. "There I had fun, can we go now?" She says.
"Yeah," Lucas says chuckling as a hopeful look crosses her face. "No.'
"But why can't we just make like a tree and leave?" She says, crossing her arms and looking over at him as they start to walk around.
"Like Haley said, we just got here." He says, putting his hands in his pockets.
"Ugh, fine whatever, let me know when you've proved your point. I'm gonna go to one of the 18 bathrooms in this place. Wish me luck." She says as she chugs the rest of her drink and passes the empty cup to Lucas.
"Good luck! Gonna be back in five?" He asks, calling out as she starts to go up the stairs.
"Yeah, if I don't get lost." She calls back continuing up the stairs looking for an unoccupied bathroom.

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