Chapter 1: Rae Bans

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 Raelynn McFadden was sitting on a picnic table at the river court, her legs going slightly numb from the cold air, the thin tights she was wearing doing nothing to keep her warm. Pulling at her red jean skirt she leaned over and grabbed a pair of multicoloured leg warmers out of her bag and slipping them on she felt some warmth slowly seep back into her.

She was sitting next to her twin brother Marvin, everyone called him mouth, while him and his best friend Jimmy Edwards commentated the practice game that was going on between Antwon "Skills" Taylor and Fergie Thompson. They were warming up, waiting for Lucas Scott which would make them an even match for a full game. 

"Skills steals the ball, Fergie reaches but Skills dodges around him and he goes to shoot but is intercepted by Fergie " Mouth leans into his "microphone" calling out to the rest of the court.

" That makes the score still a tie," Jimmy says back leaning forward onto his knees.

She always loved these evenings, it was a regular occurrence between them, but she wasn't always able to make it because of work and tutoring, so the days she was able to she appreciates. Seeing that Skills was aiming for a shot she jumped up and ran over, stealing the ball out of his hands, she ran away to the other end of the court.

" Hey! You know that's traveling!" Skills yelled after her looking over with a look of amusement on his face.

"Really? I thought you had to get on a plane to travel" she says playing dumb before a smirk spreads across her face.

Skills stands there for a moment smiling before bolting after her.

" Oh crap" she whispers to herself before running over to Mouth and Jimmy, her light brown curly hair blowing behind her, throwing the ball back at the basket it goes in as she lets out a shout of joy. Skills catches the ball and passes it to Fergie before shaking his head at her celebration dance.

" Oh hey Junk when did you get here?" she says breathing heavy, moving to sit on the top of the table behind Mouth crossing her legs.

" I've been here the whole time," he says, chuckling while she looked at him confused as he leaned down to tie up his shoes.

"And here he is, ladies and gentlemen, Lucas Scott." Mouth says.                                                                                               Looking away from Junk, Rae turns and sees Lucas walking into the river court pulling his earbuds out, she raises her arms for a hug and he walks over pulling her into his side.

" Sup Rae bans," he says pulling out of the hug ruffling her hair, her hat falling to the ground.

" Hey Luke," pulling away she reaches up to fix her hair. "Ugh! Stop doing that!."

Lucas just shrugs with a chuckle while walking over to greet the rest of the guys.

" What's happening baby." Skills says slapping hands with Lucas.

Lucas walks over to the court getting the ball passed to him so they could get the game started.

" 137 and 3 going into tonight's contest." Mouth says as Lucas points over at him causing a smile to spread across his face.

"He sucks." Junks says loudly tugging on his shoelaces tightening them. Reaching over Rae slaps him across the back of the head. " ow! What was that for?" she just rolls her eyes and goes back to watching the court.

" As a special treat tonight we have Junk Moretti and as always my lovely and charming sister Raelynn McFadden, joining us in the booth." Mouth says looking over at Junk and his sister.

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