Chapter 4: Reduced To Nothing.

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Chapter 4

The next day, Dana woke up only hours after she'd fallen asleep. With then sleep she'd gotten she began studying. Reading her textbooks over and over again. Pushing the words into her mind, forcing them to stay there and if they left she read it again.

When dawn broke finally around 6am she got ready for school.

She pulled on her hoodie, grabbed her bag and began the treck to school.

As she walked out of her driveway gate at 7am she saw the boy a few paces ahead of her. She trotted up to him, falling into step with him.

"Clyde! Good Morning!" She switched on her loving smile before Clyde could look down at her startled.

"Oh good morning... um.."

"Dana." She said. Leaning a little forward to see his face at a better angle. She hadn't noticed how handsome he actually was. His sweet dark eyes, those full lips. Pair that with his obvious jock body and his midnight black hair you'd think he was a model.

"Good Morning Dana, it's a nice day today isn't it?" He have Dana a toothy smile.

Dana gawked up at him. Her surprise catching her off guard. His beauty really was unearthly. How was this possible?

"Um-" Dana tumbled for words, "yes it's a great morning. Do you often walk to school?"

"Yes I do." Clyde faces forward again, letting his big toothy smile shed job upon the passing card.

"I-I really want to apologize!" Dana blurted out before she could stop herself. Her ploy to fix everything and get him back sending guilt down her spine as she spoke up. "For the other night. I'm sorry. I was just so overwhelmed that I wasn't thinking, and I'm sorry."

Clyde let a soft smile take up his lips, forgiving Dana without her even having to read his mind. Not that there was anything in that blank mind if his. It was like he lived so much in the current time that he reacted to everything as soon as it happened then let it go. "You don't have to feel bad, I understand. Just please understand that I do have a girlfriend."

"Ah yes. The infamous girlfriend!" She didn't actually know about the girlfriend but being nice to the man she jumped last night is always better than letting the silence run deep.

"Oh have you met Jane?"

"Which one?"

"Jane Lows, she's my girlfriend."

Dana's mind froze as her body kept walking next to him. She knew exactly who Jane Lows was. She was the bitch that bullied Dana anytime she saw her. She was the bitch that would relentlessly say snide comments about Dana being dumb. She was-was Clyde's girlfriend.

It only took a few seconds for Dana to reboot and joint back into the conversation.

"Yea I do know her. Who doesn't, she's pretty popular."

"Yeaaa." Clyde said with love, even his face slackened into a puppy smile. It made Dana sick.

"You're a lucky guy, getting to date a girl like her." Dana stretches her smile wide in an attempt to look sincere, god this was hard. How did people hold conversations when they can't read minds??

"Yea I am! She's really something else. We have our ups and downs of course but we always reconcile afterwards."

Clyde kept going on about his relationship, allowing Dana to quietly pad alongside him as they got close to the school. Her mind was starting to get overwhelmed the closer they got to the school. She walked out of habit towards her first period. The bell getting close to ringing by the time she walked into her class and settled into her seat.

Gwen took her seat next to Dana like she was running on habit as well. She sipped her coffee as the teacher lectured, only vaguely aware that her friend next to her was zoning out.

Dana sat there dazed as usual, overwhelmed by the onslaught of teenage hormones. This was getting ridiculous. She couldn't stay focused anymore. She leaned back absentmindedly from the entire class. Watching the kids and the teacher but not actually seeing any of it. She vaguely heard the bell ring then all the kids simultaneously thinking,

Ah finally.

Dana got up absently again. Picked up her backpack out of habit and walked out of the class not even bothering to look back for her friend Gwen who began ignoring her or at the teacher that had been watching helplessly from the front of the class.


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