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"Helloooo!" Dana hollered into the suburban house. The years had been kind to Dana as she led her two daughters by the hand into their honorary Aunt Helen Queens house. Clyde trailed behind with the snack bags.

Dana's former teacher met them at the door with what Dana could only assume was an alcoholic smoothie.

"Quenching your thirst?" Dana said pointedly.

"Not in the slightest, just getting ready to see my favorite little girls!" Helen Queens crouched to take the 2 girls into a hug. Smothering then with kisses"Gosh don't you both just get cuter by the day!"

"Thank you!" 6 year old Ivy said, her outspokenness mostly arising from the fact that she was older than her little sister Iris by a year.

"Well thank YOU for gracing my old eyes with something gorgeous for a change. All I get to see is that old fart Uncle Lawrence everyday." Helen Queens let them all inside then guided them out the back door. "Take a seat kiddos. Auntie needs to get your mama and papa settled before I can play."

"Babe! Where's the keys?!" Lawrence bellowed from inside. Dana had been present from the day that Lawrence met Ms Queens. From the moment they met when Dana was visiting her prospective college to the day they got married at the shoebox park down the street. Dana had seen just how much work it took to keep love going and just how fulfilling it was.

"By the fishbowl!" Mrs Queens yelled back. Then went inside to help.

Clyde and Dana sat down at the patio table while their two girls explored the ever changing garden that their Aunt Helen Queens worked on daily.

"They look healthy." Clyde said has he draped his arm around Dana's shoulder.

"They do. I'm glad Lawrence is feeling better. I was getting pretty worried."

"Yea me too." Clyde said as he pressed a kiss to Dana's temple.

Mrs queens returned with two extra glasses of smoothie. "Virgin. Just how you like it."

Clyde scoffed but took a sip. "Thank you Helen. This is pretty good." He said, then ducked immediately to avoid Mrs Queens swatting hand.

"Brats. Both of you." Mrs Queens said as she made her way over to the little girls digging in the freshly planted flowers.

Mrs Queens squatted down behind the little girls. "I just planted these bad boys. Aren't they pretty?"

"Very pretty!" Ivy said as she pet the bright green leaves of the hydrangeas.

"Wery pwetty!" Iris mimicked her sister and slapped the leaves too.

Awe. These girls are just so cute! Mrs Queens thought as she watched them play.

"Thank you!"

"Twank wou!" The two little girls said without looking back.

Mrs Queens froze.

Can you guys hear me okay? She tested.

"Yea why?" Ivy inquisitively turned to face Aunt Helen. Iris following suit.

Mrs Queens eyes widened as she snatched up the two girls and ran for the married couple.

"DANA!" She screamed as she ran back to the patio. Dana bolted out of her chair with Clyde following close behind.

"What's wrong?!" They went straight for their girls who dangled helplessly from the teachers arms and began patting them down. "What is it? What happened?"

Mrs Queens began to grin from ear to ear and for a split second Dana felt a twist in her stomach. "They can both read minds!"


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