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chapter ten

hoseok has sejong beside him as he texted jeongguk about his address. jimin is taking quite a while, so they're the only two there. lucky that sejong got his number, that motherfucker always changes his sim-card every single time he wants.

jimin arrived, looking pretty nice and casual. they decided to take an uber to go there. hoseok looked at jimin holding a suitcase, looking like a mysterious investigator. he's mysterious already, so he didn't pay attention to it that much.

when they arrived, they saw an old-looking apartment standing up inside a subdivision. it may look 'ancient, but it still looks cool and vintage. it was probably designed like that. they went inside and were welcomed by a lady in the front.

"ah, we'll go to jeon jeongguk's room. just paying a visit." sejong answered, but the lady seems like hesitant. he doesn't want to get annoyed, so he winked at her. and boom, the lady allowed them inside without thinking twice.

"damn, you're good at things like that." hoseok complimented sejong, who just smiled and walked through the pathway.

they went through rooms and rooms, 'till they reached room '666'. oh, they took the elevator up to the fifth floor. the apartment is classy and huge, this is their first time seeing this huge place to stay.

soon, they knocked at the door. jimin scrunched his nose when a faint scent went inside his nose. it took them multiple knocks 'till jeongguk opened the door.

"there you are, guys! come inside!" he said, opening the door much wider. hoseok wandered his eyes around and made their way to the couch. the way the room looks isn't what he expected it to look like, but it's still cool. not that organized, but not that messy either.

jimin stayed up, not sitting anywhere. he's just scanning every single detail inside the house. the foul smell got stronger at some angle, and it's so fucked up. he could throw up just right now.

jeongguk went back in a few minutes with baked cookies. he placed it down and grabbed some drinks, sitting at the chair.

"this whole building is fabulous." hoseok said, grabbing a cookie and shoved it in his mouth.

"you're right, yet the rent is so cheap. it's quite unbelievable, though. but i'm grateful to find this." jeongguk smiled, looking at jimin.

when their eyes locked, jimin was the first one to break it away. he felt sad about what happened, but it seems like jimin sound serious about it. it's like he's upset at him.

sejong coughed a little, leaning a bit to hoseok's ear.

"can you smell that?"

hoseok smiled first at jeongguk who drank the coca-cola. "yep, it seems like rotten or something."

"well, do you guys want to watch a movie? i'll get you guys more snacks if you want." he offered to his three friends. hoseok was up to it, and so was sejong. he clicked netflix and passed them the remote.

jeongguk turned his head when he heard the door creak, seeing his boyfriend standing up from there.

"oh, taehyung! come here!" he called the boy, who walked closer.

"everyone, this is taehyung. taehyung, this is my friend. sejong, jimin, and hoseok!" he introduced them one by one, before turning back to the three.

hoseok looked at jeongguk weirdly, as well as sejong and jimin. the confusion started lingering around their face, jeongguk pressing his lips together.

"gguk, who's the one you're talking to.." hoseok asked, staring up at the male sitting beside him.

jeongguk's mood changed, smiling at the three. "it's taehyung, the one you're waiting to see hobi! y'all didn't hear what i said earlier?" he asked.

"b-but where is taehyung?" sejong tugged into hoseok's shirt, who shook for a little.

"guys, are you okay? taehyung's here." jeongguk pointed at his back without looking. jimin exhaled and bit the inside of his cheeks.

"jeon, stop playing with us right now. if you're scaring us, then it's not funny."

"what are y'all up to? like taehyung is here-"  jeongguk stopped when he faced his back, seeing nothing.

but taehyung was there!

"o-oh..." were the only words that left his mouth and awkwardly smiled at his terrified friends.

"maybe he just went back to our room. i told y'all, he liked sleeping a lot." he stood up, walking away.

"i'll just get more snacks, enjoy watching there!" he rejoiced, 'till he disappeared at their stares.

hoseok looked at sejong's eyes in fear. jimin shook his head and took a deep breath.

what's wrong with him? taehyung didn't even go out of the room.

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