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chapter seven

"hi, jimin. do you have any schedule for today?" jeongguk asked when he saw jimin walking past by his office.

"no, i won't be going to therapies anymore," he replied briefly. jimin bowed at him for a bit and walked to the other path, leaving jeongguk in confusion.

he looks distant, he thought. well if yes, he doesn't know why. the said boy just went to the two, hoseok and sejong, leaving him alone in front of his office door. that made him sad, he seems like he was being forgotten.

jeongguk decided to just go inside, and fix unnecessary papers that are just everywhere. well, it'll be kind of embarrassing if a patient will go inside. it's kind of good news, he guessed. now he can clean this up.

he couldn't get what happened. jimin moved so stiffly earlier, and the usual face he give.. it's still the same though. unbothered and emotionless - but it's off. those eyes are weirdly offering him some sort of...

"jeongguk? you good there?"

he went back to reality, seeing hoseok waving his hand ahead of his face. he showed a forced smile, nodding his head, and continued gathering things.

"of course. i am," he whispered, shaking all the thoughts and just did what he had to do.

soon, a phone ring echoed around the room. sigh of tiredness left his mouth and picked it up, but immediately turned into a light one when he saw the name of the love of his life.

hoseok looked down at him weirdly, confusion drooling out of his eyes. he looked at jungkook, who's now smiling at his phone.

"excuse me, hoseok. i'll just take this call." the younger one smiled, and went out of the room in an instant.

he turned to the door, scratching his neck, and tilted his head.

"that's weird... his phone wasn't even ringing."

after minutes of trying to figure out what's going on inside his mind, he went out of the room. his eyes caught jeongguk smiling and mumble things that he doesn't hear because the boy is meters away from him.

he noticed jimin and sejong from quite far away, so he decided to catch up on them real quick without giving every people he walk past a single glance.

"hey there, parks."

"well, my surname is yang."

hoseok just rolled his eyes and sat beside sejong. "whatever, y'all are still related." he grabbed a handful of pieces of jimin's french fries who just glared at him.

"you know what, jeongguk has been a little weird lately." he started, chewing the snack one by one as he gathered his looks around the white walls of the hospital's cafeteria.

"what do you mean?"

"like, you know. he's smiling over his phone, then looks hesitant when i told him i wanted to hang out in his house with his so-called boyfriend taehyung that i haven't seen in my entire life. and earlier, he told me that someone's calling him from the phone when the phone wasn't even ringing in the first place." he explained, making jimin knot his brows together.

"or maybe you're just high right now, hoseok. you told me you haven't had a proper sleep for days, right?" sejong cackled, shaking his head.

hoseok shrugged, laughing back. "right, maybe i just need a quick beauty rest at home."

the two continued talking about random things as he looked away. very far away. he couldn't help but feel something burning around his chest. maybe his conclusion is right. it's time for him to make a move.

though he's scared to be one of them.

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