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chapter eleven

the three just blew their fear away and focused on the playing movie. they didn't even realize that jeongguk is back 'till a bowl of popcorn clanged against the glass coffee table.

jimin stood up uncomfortably, another faint smell lingering up to his nose. it got strong in a matter of seconds, so he did not waste any time and covered his nose. he looked over the two and saw them holding their breaths, secretly pinching their nose.

"you good, guys?"

"yep." said sejong and forced a smile at jeongguk, before pulling out his perfume and sprayed it a bit in the air.

"taehyung is just inside the room, don't worry. maybe before you guys go home, you can check him inside." he smiled, stuffing the popcorn at his mouth.

jimin scanned him suspiciously and darted his stares towards the room. as he scanned it, he's sawing how old the door is. more like so old, but it looks like it's still working pretty well. he doesn't know, but his heart is beating rapidly for no reason.

"um, jeon? where is the bathroom..?"

jeongguk stopped chewing and pointed the direction where the little pathway is placed.

"just go straight ahead 'till you see the door with a brown doorknob." he nodded and carefully pulled up a paper, putting it inside his pocket. he excused himself, seeing that he needs to walk past by the taehyung boy's room.

he felt his stomach flipped when a strong foul smell started circulating his nose, making him cough multiple times. he immediately run towards the said bathroom, and couldn't help but spit out saliva. even inside, the smell is still wandering his nostrils and it's making him dizzy.

"what the fuck is that smell." jimin cursed, washing his face with the water in the sink.

he started at himself in a mirror, seeing something at his back. he turned around, eyes catching a butcher's knife with.. a weird red substance around it. it already dried, and the splashed liquid is turning black. the red color of it is still visible but is quite hard to notice if you'll not examine it properly.

his eyes widen before he lifted the paper he hid in his pockets, staring at it for a bit.



"jimin, what took you so long?" hoseok asked, leaning to sejong. jimin didn't say a thing and just went back to the place where he stood up.

"why don't you take a sit, jim?"

"no thanks," he said not too nice to the younger boy, who just nodded his head lightly and watched.

sejong's phone dings. he looked upon it and saw the time. it says 10 pm. he looked over hoseok who's already asleep and to jimin who's still looking down at his gadget. jeongguk is already half-asleep.

"uh, i think it's time to go home now?"

jeongguk jolted up from his sleepy time and stood up quickly. jimin looked upon them and cracked his neck for a little.

"right. it's already 10." hoseok said, yawning for good ten seconds before stretching his arms.

"okay, okay. wait here for a moment and i'll just get something," jeongguk told them and rushed back to their room with his boyfriend.

it grew jimin impatient. he just wanted to get off this apartment. he's been trying to stay up but he can't just let them see that he's sleepy. and these gut feelings, he needs to get out of here.

the boy came outside the room, giving them small keychains. jeongguk walked closer to jimin, who took a light sniff.

oh fuck. even him smells rotten.

"would you guys want to see taehyung? i'll fix everything here and i'll guide you guys down after."

"um, i think-"

"c'mon, chim. let's see taehyung, i mean for sure he's sleeping peacefully. just a simple glance will do." hoseok insisted. jimin can't say no, so he agreed.

"just stay silent and make your way there slowly. he doesn't like being interrupted." a giggle left his mouth.

"then i think we should get going now-"

jimin got cut off when hoseok pulled him, as he was dragged slowly near the door. sejong reached for the doorknob, as it created a brief, loud squeak.

the door was half-opened when hoseok stepped inside while holding the two. jimin covered his mouth and nose, faster than the speed of light.

"why the hell it smells so fucking awful?"

"welcome to our bedroom." they heard jeongguk says and closed the door. hoseok pressed his lips together to avoid saying how fucked up the smell was, and just inhaled sejong scent.

"let me just wake him quick. follow me," he said and walked up straight to the bed.

jimin tilted his head to a body covered with a floral blanket, hair standing up everywhere. his face is still under the sheets, so he doesn't see how he looks like.

"yah, taehyung! please stop being a lazy ass and wake the fuck up!" jeongguk started shouting at him, the reason why sejong flinched at his spot and held hoseok close.

jimin started looking at him in so much surprise when jeongguk started hitting him. hard. the three panicked and tried pulling jeongguk away from taehyung, who just kept on kicking him so hard until he fell on the other side of the bed.

"jeon! what the hell are you doing?! you're hurting him!"

"all he does is sleep! he's embarrassing me in front of y'all!" the boy said, eyes burning in agony. jimin just sighed and walked to the side where taehyung fell and tapped his arms.

"uh, taehyung? are you okay?" he said, covering his nose.

damn, does this boy even take a bath?

he didn't move, which got the two confused as well. they moved at jimin's side, leaving jeongguk who's frustratingly brushing his head back.

jimin got tired, so he pulled the blanket off taehyung.

hoseok eyes open widely, and pupils watered. sejong gasped in fear, feeling hoseok hiding his head in his chest.

jimin stood there in shock, he felt like his legs trembled. he stepped back, staring at jeongguk who smiled at them.


"see? he's still asleep no matter how much you wake him up."

jimin covered his mouth, lips quivering. his eyes darted down to the laying boy - who seems like sleeping peacefully.

it's not just somebody's body. it's a mummified corpse of kim taehyung, the boy who got murdered and went missing a year ago.

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