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Next morning:

"Ughh!" Jin groaned holding his head as soon as he wake up.

His headache is so strong that it was hard for him to even open his eyes.

He squinted his eyes and massaging his head sat up, and again groaned when he felt pain, this time in his bottom.

He furrowed his brows in confusion that why he is feeling sore all over.

After few minutes of massaging his head and eyes, he can finally see his surrounding a little clear.

His eyes widened when he realize that he is not in his room, and seeing this room he can't remember where he actually is.

When he put down the hand with which he was massaging his head, his hand falls on something or rather someone.

Jin frozed.

In fear he look beside him, and his face paled when he saw a naked man beside him. He can't see his face clearly, bcoz that man's face was pressed on the pillow. But still he can see the side profile.

With heavy and fast beating heart he looked at himself. He closed his eyes tight when he found himself naked too.

He then looked at the man beside him and slowly get out of the bed, trying not to wake that man up.

He looked around for his clothes, and found them scattered everywhere, he pick them up with shaky hands and wore it, with tears prickling his eyes and his lips quivering.

He dressed up as soon as possible, and as silently as possible.

He then found a cap lying there, which wasn't his but he doesn't care. He took that cap and put it on his head.

He slowly came outside the room and kept that cap low with his hand just to hide his face.

He is just feeling so filthy, and so low, that he wanna hide with everyone but most importantly he wanna hide from himself.

He can't believe that he did something like this.

That's not him.

He didn't use elevator just bcoz then he has to face more people. Instead he use stairs which were empty and he came outside the motel hurriedly.

The sun was shining at his full power when he came outside, showing that it's close to afternoon.

He didn't took taxi, again he doesn't want to face anyone.

He just ran to go to his home, though he didn't know the way where to go. He has never came to this side of city and he is feeling lost, by his mind,heart and soul.

He kept running just to get somewhere and to find his way to his home.

After fifteen minutes of taking any streets that he feel like, he was finally in front of a familiar shop. From that shop he ran at full speed to his home, now when he knows the way.

He arrived his home panting, he opened the door hastily and get inside his home.

He immediately went to the bathroom and looked at himself on mirror.

There he can see himself looking pathetic and not like his usual self. His  eyes are red and filled with unshed tears, his lips are still quivering bcoz how hard he is trying not to cry.

Then his eyes fell on his collarbone peeking inside from his shirt, and there he can see hickey.

He felt anger rising on him seeing that and he hurriedly removed all his clothes from himself, and stand naked in front of the mirror.

THE HEART WANTS WHAT IT WANTS [TaeJinKook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now