Chapter 8

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A disease, whether was it contagious or not, might have posed a great threat. Fevers burning bodies alive, coughs that felt like spitting throats out, pains that struck chests like the sharpest spears. It was not so common for people to recover, death taking many, regardless of age, gender or status.

Alodie was suspecting the worst when her acquaintances finally managed to find a healer. An older, suspiciously looking woman walked into her tent one day. She carried few flasks in a wooden basket, along with a book. The woman examined Alodie, while everyone was told to stay outside.

Finan wasn't keen on the idea, worry for honey-eyed woman's life arising within him with every passing second. He paced back and forth, not able to sit down with others. They even joked he might have caught something too, therefore he couldn't keep in one place. The Irishman didn't like how quiet it was, how he couldn't hear her voice, or even a cough.

Alodie on the other hand had no idea what to expect from the woman. She looked at her throat, tongue and eyes, examining everything carefully. Then she went to ask simple questions, for example if Alodie ate any poisonous plant, as those drawn in her book. The healer murmured to herself every few seconds, so quietly and quickly that Alodie couldn't understand a single word.

The healer took one last glance at the ill woman before storming out of the tent, leaving Alodie completely dumbfounded. The four men got up from their seats, Finan already by the older woman's side asking about the disease. However she said nothing, only extending her opened palm waiting for the payment. The Irishman huffed in annoyance before placing small sack of money on her hand, not stopping himself from giving a nasty comment. The healer shot him a death glare while she placed the payment in her basket, only to rummage through it and take out two flasks with mistrustful liquids.

"Add this to ale" she addressed him. "It should last for seven days."

"Will it help her?" Finan asked with a doubt in his voice, wish for hope hanging in the air.

"Yes" she nodded with a beaming smile, mounting her horse. Then her expression turned to a frown. "Or it will kill her."

With that the woman was gone, only reminder of her being the two flasks in Irishman's hands. He glanced over his shoulder at the men, all of them thinking whether they should risk Alodie's life even more giving her the possibly poisonous substance.

"Did she tell you anything?" Honey eyes filled up with a mixture of uncertainty and hope. "Or was she just a crazy lady wanting the money?"

"I think you can chose which" he sat down on his usual place by her side, showing her the liquids. "She gave those. It may work-"

"That's good."

"-or not" he added grimacing at the thought.

"It's alright" she shrugged unaware of the true meaning of his words. "Right?" She added, raising an eyebrow at his expression.

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