Chapter 7 Similar Interests

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Chapter 7
Similar Interests

    On the train, I found out Mr. Crouch, who worked at the ministry, blamed his house elf for casting the Dark Mark that night and disowned her for it. I seriously doubted a house elf would do that unless ordered to. I could clearly see Hermione was distraught about the treatment of house elves, but Ron and I tried to explain that these creatures were usually treated fine. My aunt rarely made Tinker do the work all by herself. She even had a place at the dinner table with us. Aunt Becky gave her a fancy silk pillowcase and sometimes let her where jewels, which apparently did not count as clothing.

    After the snack trolley passed we were visited by several classmates including Seamus Finnegan and Neville Longbottom. I was fine with this until Draco Malfoy showed up, followed by Crabbe and Goyle. 

    “So I don’t suppose you’re going to try to enter this year, Potter” Malfoy sneered at Harry. “You never miss a chance to show off.”

    “What are you talking about, Malfoy?” Harry gritted.

    Instead of answering, he turned his head to Ron. “What about you, Weasley? Maybe this would be a good opportunity earn some fortune for your family.” Malfoy then glanced at me. “Or perhaps you’ll enter, Rosen. You never miss a chance for a thrill seeking experience. Also, this may just help people forget the embarrassment you face a couple years ago when everyone found out you were really a mudblood.”

    “Don’t call her that!” Ron roared, ready to lunge at him. “Now, either explain what you’re talking about or get out!”

    “I wouldn’t expect you to know,” Malfoy jested to him. “The Ministry probably didn’t even bother to tell your father. I’m sure he’s too junior to know about it.”

    Ron appeared so red I thought his face might burst.

    Malfoy glanced at me and added, “I’m sure they told her uncle. If she was really your friend, then surely she would have at least told you what’s going on this year.”

    With that, Malfoy took off, Crabbe and Goyle lodging behind him.

    “Both my uncle and your father know,” I gritted angrily to Ron, with my arms folded. “They just wanted it to be a surprise for us. Don’t let Malfoy get to you.”

    “Him? Get to me? As if!” Ron snorted, huffing back in his seat.

    I merely sighed and said, “You know, a few years ago Malfoy told me his dad initially wanted to send him to Durmstrang, but his mum said no because it was too far.”

    “Well, he should have gone to Durmstrang,” Hermione gritted, darkly. “Then we wouldn’t have to put up with him here.”

    “Maybe it’s not too late,” Ron pointed out, his ears still red. “Perhaps Hogwarts can do some sort of exchange program.”

    I shrugged. “Brody did tell me his mum wanted to transfer him to Hogwarts. Maybe we could exchange them.”

    “Well, we don’t know Brody very well but he can’t be any worse than Malfoy,” Hermione said.

    “He did save my life that night at the camps,” I pointed out.

    Harry looked at me and commented, “Well, you certainly kept that quiet.”

    “I guess it just never came up,” I replied, trying to sound casual. I could feel my cheeks starting to flush. I desperately wanted a subject change but I could not think of anything right now.

    A moment later, a subject change arrived for me but I did not care for it. Pansy Parkinson strutted towards out compartment followed by Daphne Greengrass and Millicent Bulstrode. All three came in a fit of giggles. I sunk my head, dreading what this interaction will emerge to.

    “So Melanie, I see your friends are still deciding to stick with you this year,” she sneered, “or perhaps you’re paying them…”

    I rolled my eyes. “That’s the exact same joke Malfoy used back at the game. Can’t you at least think of your own stuff?”

    Pansy started to talk back but instead something about Ron’s bag caught her attention. “Oh my gawd, what is that, Weasley?”

    Ron’s face turned pink as he stuffed the lacy sleeve back into his bag and grumbled, “Dress robes.”

    Pansy laughed and said, “You know I think I saw a photo of my Great-Grandfather wearing something like that, or maybe he was my Great-Great-Grandfather…” 

    As the two girls behind her started to giggled, I snapped, “Will you just go away, Pansy? No one wants to hear about your Great-Grandpa’s fashion!”

    Pansy turned to me and sneered. “A little jealous, aren’t we, Melanie. After all, I wouldn’t even bother to get a dress if I were you. It’s not as though anyone here in their right mind will ask you to the ball.”

    “What ball?” I gritted, clenching my fists.

    Pansy offered a fake, sympathetic look. “I see your aunt didn’t even bother to tell you. So sad…”

    “And how much will you be paying Draco to take you, Pansy?” a voice sneered from behind her. “I expect it will have to be quite a lot for him to be seen with your cow-face the entire night.”

    As Lenora strolled up next to our compartment, appearing quite pleased with her insult, Harry and Ron roared with laughter. Pansy’s cheek’s steamed red with fury.

    With a hot head, Pansy, demanded of Lenora, “Oh yeah, and who will be taking you? I can’t imagine anyone who would put up with you.”

    Lenora briefly glanced at me and smirked before answering, “Actually, I know who will likely ask me to the ball and he’s related to someone famous. No one will pay little Draco any attention with him around.”

    With that, Lenora wondered off back to her own compartment. Deciding she had enough, Pansy nodded to the girls behind her and they left too. I quietly shut our door and mumbled, “No more visitors.”

    “You know, Lane really isn’t all that bad,” Ron decided aloud. “Maybe we can all be friends with her.”

    “Yeah maybe,” I muttered, resting my head on my hand, hoping we were close to the school.

    “All you have to do is talk it out with her, Melanie,” Harry chimed in. “After all, you two have always had similar interests. I’m sure you can be friends again.”

    I merely nodded and shrugged, not wanting to continue the conversation. I had a pretty good idea of who Lenora meant would be asking her out to whatever ball was coming up. I noticed Hermione did not press the matter of me trying to rekindle my friendship with Lenora. She was the only one who understood. Our similar interests just might be the reason why we cannot be friends now.


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