Chapter 8 Friends and Ferrets

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A/N: Sorry this update took especially long. I promise next time I'll try to have an update before people starting commenting, asking for updates.

It was not long after we arrived at Hogwarts we figured out preciously what all the hype was about this year. Dumbledore announced it right after the Sorting. He informed us Beauxbatons and Durmstrang would be competing with us in the Triwizard Tournament. Each school would have a champion selected for them by the Goblet of Fire to compete in the tournament. I considered entering myself until Dumbledore pointed out only witches and wizards of age could enter.

I glanced around my table and noticed Fred and George Weasley whispering to one another. I knew they were not of age but that would not likely stop them from trying to enter. My head turned towards the Slytherin table and noticed Lenora appeared rather disappointed by the age restriction as well. Oddly enough, this gave me an interesting idea.

The moment the tables were dismissed to return with our own houses I set off to find Lenora. I spotted her walking down the hallway with Blaise.

"I do hope the Hogwarts champion is a Slytherin," Blaise was saying. "I couldn't stand to go for half-blood or less. What do you say?"

"Oh, I don't care about that," Lenora grumbled. "I just think its stupid only witches and wizards of age can enter."

"Hey Lenora," I called out at that moment and tilted my head towards the wall.

"What does she want?" Blaise asked her.

Lenora shrugged. "Just go on without me. I'll see you later."

She then sighed and walked over in my direction. The chatter of passing students was so loud I knew no one would pay attention to what we were saying.

"What do you want, Melanie," Lenora asked as she approached me.

I grinned and replied, "I just wanted to let you know I was thinking of entering my name in the Goblet of Fire."

Lenora rolled her eyes. "Were you not listening? Only witches and wizards of age can enter it."

"I heard," I admitted. "But I was thinking maybe we could find some way around it."

She raised her eyebrow. "We?"

I shrugged. "Unless you're not up for it."

For a moment, she merely stared at me, seemingly trying to decide how serious I was about this. She finally said, "Well, there's no way I'm letting you do this without me. Meet you by the goblet tonight."

I grinned. "See you there."


I waited until everyone in the Gryffindor girls' dormitories had fallen asleep before I crept out. As I walked down the hallways, I made sure to stay close to the wall and crawl under sleeping portraits so I don't disturb them. I heard footsteps and came to a complete halt, careful not to move. Fortunately, whoever it was did not turn down the hallway I was at. I saw a figure that looked like Snape pass by the intersecting hall. Once I was sure he was far enough away I let out a breath of relief. He would have been the worst teacher to get in trouble with.

I continued on my tiptoes to the Great Hall, where the Goblet rested. I found Lenora was already there

"There you are," she grumbled in a hushed tone. "It felt as though I've been waiting here for ages."

Melanie Rosen: Year 4 (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now