Chapter 2 In Therapy

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Chapter 2

In Therapy

    Mum had gone to take a shower later that afternoon. I went into Dad’s office room at home to look through Felicity Bohnoman’s paperwork to get the phone number to her office. I called and spoke with what sounded like a young boy to ask if she was available that day to talk. I told him I was working on a school project. He said she could spare about ten minutes within the next half hour. I had to get there quick. I wish I was old enough to aparate or at the very least had a broom of my own. My only option as a teenage witch in a muggle world was to take the bus.

    I left while Mum was still in the shower. I knew she would be done by the time I got home but I didn’t care now. I would just have to think of something later.

    As I walked down my own street, trying to determine the quickest way to the bus station, I pulled out the notebook out of my bag. I figured while I was on the bus, I try to think of some questions I can ask Dr. Bohnoman. I reached for my pen and pulled it out, but when I held it up in the air, I realized I accidently grabbed my wand. I quickly stashed it away before feeling a hard breeze against my cheeks. I saw a familiar tall triple-decker bus swirl around the corner. The man I remembered as Stan Stunpike stepped out and introduced himself. 

    “I didn’t know this bus came around during the day,” I commented as I stepped in. It then hit me I probably drew the wrong idea from ‘knight’ bus.

    “Oh yes, we help stranded witches and wizards at any time,” Stan said with a grin. “Now where are you off to?”

    I pulled out the paper with the address and showed it to him.

    Stan frowned. “That’s another muggle address. You’re not going anywhere in the wizarding world?”

    “Is that okay?” I asked.

    Stan shrugged. “Sure. Just curious. That’s all.”

    I noticed the beds were gone and replaced by regular seats that were not attached to the floor. I sighed, figuring this would likely be a bumpy ride. All I could do was hold on and get through it. Fortunately, the ride did not seem that long.

    Dr. Bohnoman’s office turned out to be on the bottom floor of a tall building that consisted of a dentist office, a vet and other small businesses. I stepped in the door that read ‘Dr. Bohnoman’ and saw a blonde haired boy that only appeared a couple years older than me at a rounded desk.

    “Oh hi,” the boy greeted brightly. “Do you have an appointment?”

    I shook my head, feeling apprehensive. “Uh… no. I called earlier about interviewing Dr. Bohnoman for a school project.”

    “Oh right. You must be Melanie. I’ll go ahead and page her for you.” As he pulled the phone forward and started to press some numbers, he added, “You know, I interviewed her too for school. She’s good to talk to. She gives you a really good idea of what the job profession is like.”

    I tilted my head and asked, “You go to school?”

    “Yeah, I’m actually still in school,” he said, picking up the phone. “This is just a summer job.”

    Feeling my nerves, I touched my hand to my head and started down the top of my hair. I realized I had not brushed my hair at all today. I pushed my messy curls behind my shoulders and looked at the boy at the desk and briefly wondered if he noticed. Then I wondered why I even cared. I never thought like this before.

    After he paged her, Dr. Bohnoman stepped out of her office. Now that I was looking for it, I could see more of her resemblance to Lenora. The both had rounded cheekbones, hazel eyes, and similar hair texture, though Dr. Bohnoman’s had more red to it.

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