Chapter 16 Date Down Under

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Chapter 16

Date Down Under

Not only was it the day of the Yule Ball, but we also got a white Christmas. After opening presents, the majority of the Gryffindors went outside in the snow. We had a blast thrusting snowballs at each other and laughing away. I hit the back of Seamus's head, while he hollowed, "No fair!"

Neville managed to hit the side of my cheek. He gaped at me, horrified of what he had just done. I giggled and threw one back at him.

Hermione left early, saying she had to get ready for the ball. I glanced at the tower clock and decided I had plenty of time. However, moments after Hermione's departure, Lavender and Parvati showed up to retrieve me.

"Melanie, what are you doing?" Lavender asked, looking astonished. "We have to get ready for the ball."

"The dance is three hours from now," I said, thrusting a snowball at Ron. I looked back at the two girls and they did not deny what I said. Lavender merely folded her arms and nodded. I looked at her, dreadfully, as Ron threw a snowball back at me, hitting my right arm. "It's not going to take three hours to get ready for the ball, is it?"

They both nodded, urgently motioning for me to follow. I groaned and trudged behind them, while Harry and Ron laughed.

And so it did take three hours. I felt so exhausted just from getting ready I was unsure of how much energy I had left to dance. I looked in the mirror at my dress. Apparently red was my color, according to Lavender. I had never thought of people looking better in certain colors as oppose to others.

When I left the Gryffindor common room, I found Morgan Brody waiting for me in the hall. He wore his fine black dress robes. When his eyes spotted me, he smiled. My heart began pounding. I breathed through it and took his arm and he escorted me to the ball.

The Great Hall appeared to be at least three times it's usual size with the four long tables removed. Instead smaller round tables were scattered about for people to sit and some against the walls for food and drinks. As in tradition, the champions danced with their partners first. We found that Hermione's surprise date was none other than Viktor Krum. I glanced over at Ron and saw he wore a sour expression.

I leaned over towards Brody and asked, "Did you know Krum was taking out Hermione?"

He only shrugged. "He mentioned he was taking out someone from Hogwarts but he never specified who."

After the champion's dance, everyone gradually joined in. Brody took my hand and swung me around. I found the practicing had paid off, as I was actually able to keep up with him (without stepping on his feet). I glanced at Neville and Ginny and saw he was doing pretty well also. When I met his eyes, I gave him a brief thumbs up. Neville grinned.

I could feel my throat dry out as I started to draw in heavier air. I told Brody I needed something to drink and walked over to the punch bowl. Smoke hovered over the liquid so it appeared as though someone had brewed a potion. I took a sip and the cool substance soothed my throat. I planned to take one back to Brody, but first I stepped between the door to the hallway just for a quick moment of quiet. It's not as though I was not having fun. On the contrary, I felt surprised at how much of a blast I was having at the Yule Ball. Just last year, I never would have guessed that.

My feeling of joy breezed away when I saw a certain someone approaching me.


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