It's the Principle

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"Oh, Sammy I think you have company!" She yelled out. "Oh hey Mia." She smiled as she attempted to walk out past me with her bag. She looked like she had just got fucked all damn night! I bumped her with my shoulder.

"Let's not do this again Mia. You don't get tired of fighting?" She looked like she thought she was that bitch.

"Nah I don't. And I suggest you keep it moving before I give you what you want."

"You mad cause I got even? I see why you fuck with Sammy though, he's great. Hahahahahahahahaha." She laughed as she walked to her car. At that moment I again had no choice but to run up on her. I ran up behind her and just as I was about to knock this bitch upside her head Sammy grabbed me and bear hugged me. How he got to me so fast is beyond me.

"Mia stop!" He yelled holding me until she was in her car.

"Awwww hahahahaha. Bye Sammy!" She laughed again and blew a kiss as she rolled her window down and drove away.

Sammy finally let me go. I was so mad tears were coming down my face. I was livid.

"Mia you need to calm down. What are you doing here?" He asked as we stood on the sidewalk, me catching my breath.

"I needed to talk to you and I wanted to apologize to you about fighting at your event. But here you are FUCKING ON A BITCH I JUST FOUGHT! I expect that from her, but you? Really? That's A DIFFERENT LEVEL OF DISRESPECT SAMMY. You just gave that bitch a one up on me. How would you like it if I went and fucked your opps? I would never do that to you, Sammy!"

He stood there just looking at me like I was crazy or something. I wanted to smack that dumbass look off his face.

"Come inside, Mia."

"No. We can talk about it right the fuck here."

"No, Mia. You're making a scene I don't need my neighbors in my business."

It's like I wanted to hear what he had to say, but at the same time I'm in utter disbelief of what just happened.

"Fine. Whatever." I walked up to his house and stood in his kitchen by the island.

He sat down and sighed. "Listen, it didn't mean anything. I was upset and drunk and she was upset and drunk and I don't know... what happened, just happened. I was full of regret this morning. It was just a one night stand..."

"It's the PRINCIPLE SAMMY! You could have fucked any other bitch. ANY OTHER BITCH But you pick the bitch I'm beefing with? That's not law!"

"I'm sorry Mia. It was wild and I shouldn't have done it... But you don't think you're being a little hypocritical..."

My eyes widened in anger.

"Is that what this is about? If you jealous and did that to spite me I rather you be a real nigga and just SAY THAT! I didn't know a damn thing about Sky and Jay when he and I had sex."

"But then when you did.." He looked down.

Wow. I couldn't believe my ears.

"You know what? You wanted a break now you got one. Goodbye Samuel."

I was storming out of his house when he grabbed my hand with his sad ass stupid ass face.

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