Chapter 44

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Aunt Arie held the heels higher, and she looked more smug than she had beforehand. "These are heels, Katherine," she said in a matter of fact tone, and I scowled but bit my tongue. She cleared her throat and shifted on her feet while she flicked her eyes to the side, and I had a feeling that she knew I was annoyed with her tone. "I want you to wear these with the dress and see how you look with them on."

"But I don't normally wear heels, Aunt Arie," I said with a small groan, earning a covered cough from the male behind me. I sighed and moved a hand across my face while I shook my head. "Why are you making me put them on now?"

"Because you are going to need to learn how to wear them," she replied. She shook her head and sighed. "I don't know why Carver hasn't started you on them, but we can worry about that later." She gestured to the seat that I had sat in to get the heels on my feet. "Now, sit, and put them on."

"I am going to topple over, Aunt Arie. I hope you know that," I grumbled and walked over to the seats, not really into the thought of wearing heels. My whole body was tense, and my heart pounded hard in my chest because I was getting nervous. "I'll be like a baby deer learning how to walk and will fall flat on my face."

"And that is where you get up, brush yourself off, and then try again," Aunt Arie replied and followed me to the seats. "After a few bumps and bruises, you'll be able to prance around in heels all day long."

"Why aren't you wearing heels?" I asked and sat down in the seat, making sure to smooth the bottom of the skirt before I did so because I did not want to have my underwear showing when I stood back up again. I took the flats off and set them aside, deciding to get them because they were super comfortable, and I had a feeling that they'd look good in some of the jeans that I had at the house.

"Because I am not the one in a dress," she said and winked, and I rolled my eyes and scowled. She helped me put them on and made sure that they were the right size for me. "Besides, heels are super uncomfortable, and I love wearing flats better."

"Then why can't I wear flats?" I asked and looked at the heels, praying that I wouldn't make a fool out of myself in front of Cornelius while I tried to walk in them. "I mean, those would be a better option than these death traps."

"Because sometimes pain is beauty," she replied. "I can dance in heels and whatnot, but I choose flats because I am closer to the ground." She smirked and winked, and amusement filled her eyes while she studied me. "Think of it as a good ball destroyer when you have to wear them," she said. "They are very good weapons."

Cornelius covered a laugh with a cough. He was looking at a pair of women's shoes while he listened into our conversation, and I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking about this whole ordeal between my aunt and me.

I rolled my eyes and scowled, not liking the idea that sometimes pain is beauty. "Very funny, Aunt Arie," I grumbled, and she smiled and shrugged innocently. I sighed and shook my head, deciding that it would be best not to continue arguing with her because she had made up her mind. "Will we have to get them if I try them on?" I asked.

Aunt Arie shook her head, no, and I bit back a sigh of relief. "No," she said. "We don't have to get them. We can get these shoes if you like them and then the dress. How does that sound?"

"Then why am I trying them on in the first place?" I couldn't help but ask and gestured to them. "I mean, we both know that I won't buy them, nor will I ever have heels on my feet, so... why bother trying them on, now?"

"Because your aunt has begged you to try them on and walk around in them so that she can see what you look like," she replied, and I rolled my eyes and scowled when she talked about herself in the third person. She smiled and winked, knowing full well that I was annoyed with her. "And because you love your aunt."

"That is highly debatable," I teased, and she gasped in shock and slapped my arm teasingly. I smiled and went with the smack before I grew serious. "But seriously, why am I trying them on when this is going to be the only time I wear them?"

"Oh, it's not going to be the only time that you wear them," she said and brushed off my groan of annoyance. "We'll work on gaining your confidence with the heels later, but for right now, I want to see how you look in them with the dress on."

"What do you mean it's not going to be the only time I wear them?" I asked, grumbling. "I didn't sign up to gain confidence in walking with them on my feet."

"We'll talk about that later," Aunt Arie said in a tone that told me not to push. She gave me a small look, telling me that we were going to have to be in the car when we talked about this, and I had a feeling it was because I was the queen, and some things don't change.

"It's the twenty-first century," I grumbled. "Not everyone wears them anymore." I shifted on the seat, not wanting to stand up and feel how uncomfortable they really were.

"I know," Aunt Arie said. "But, think of it this way, it shows a sense of power, and you get to tower over some men." She grabbed my arms and helped me stand on unsteady feet. "Your uncle hates it but loves it when I wear heels."

"Why does he hate it that you wear heels?" I asked and gripped her lower arms to make sure that I didn't fall. I looked down and furrowed my brows, nervous about falling flat on my face if I let her go. I furrowed my brows and pressed my lips into a thin line while I tried to gain my balance.

"Because I am taller than him when I do it," she replied. "I mainly do go with the four inch to five inch heels. Sometimes I will choose a larger heel, but that is few and far in between." She shrugged. "This is a four inch heel that I have you in."

"Why?" I asked. "Aren't there anything that is small?"

"Oh, there are, but you'll only be wearing heels for parties or something like that, and the best heels to wear for those are four inches." She winked, and I rolled my eyes and scowled.

"If I am having to wear heels to the parties and stuff like that, then you are wearing them with me," I said, letting her know that my word was final. "I don't want to be left alone in this."

My aunt chuckled and nodded, amused, but I could tell that she was a little annoyed about my tone. "Of course," she said and brushed off the annoyance quickly. "I wasn't going to tell you to do something if I didn't do it myself." She pushed me back slightly until I was standing taller and straighter than I had been. "Now, keep your balance and stand straight. I am going to have to let go of you."

I bit my lip and nodded. I looked at my feet and took a deep breath, not liking the idea of her letting go of me.

"Look forward," Aunt Arie scolded and lifted my chin with one hand while keeping her grip on me with her other hand. "There, now keep looking forward. It's the only way that you will be able to stay steady on your feet."

I bit back a huff and nodded. I looked down one last time before I looked forward and at her. "I think I am ready for you to let go of me," I said hesitantly, even though I was not completely ready. "Are you sure that I can do this?"

My aunt nodded. "Of course," she said and smiled. She let go of me, and I stood, wobbling every so often but keeping my balance. "I wouldn't have you try this out if I didn't think you could." She cleared her throat and shifted on her feet. "Now, do you think you want to walk around?" She reached into her pocket and slipped me the things that I needed to give Cornelius.

I huffed but nodded. "I guess so," I said, even though there was a part of me that did not want to do this.

She twisted me in the direction that I needed to go, and I stumbled over my feet a bit but didn't fall because she had a good grasp on me. "Good, now hop to it." She pushed me to start walking, but it only threw me off balance.

I gasped and stumbled, not knowing that my aunt was going to push me. I flailed around and was about to fall, only to be caught by Cornelius. I stared at him with wide eyes filled with fear, and my bottom lip shook with a small sob of relief. "Oh," I said and cleared my throat to make sure that my voice didn't quiver in fear. "I am so sorry, Sir. I am so, so sorry."

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