Chapter 9

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I scowled at Ro and gestured towards my mate. "Ro and Ray, this is my mate, Brody. Brody, these are my friends, Ronan and Raylen. Raylen is the Princess of the Lion Clan and Ronan will be the King of the Lions."

"Actually, I am already the King of the Lions, Princess," Ro said. Anger filled his eyes, and I could tell that he hated my uncle even more. "He killed him."

"Then why are you here and not in hiding?" I asked. My body grew tense, and I looked around. I could tell that we are being watched, but I didn't know where.

Both Ro and Ray sensed it and grew tense. "Can we talk in your office, Majesty?" he asked, looking at Brody.

Brody furrowed his brows in confusion but nodded his head. He was a little stunned that Ro had called him "Majesty," and I was sure that he hadn't realized that he would actually be my King. "I'll lead the way," he said. He took my hand and the five of us went back to the safety of the pack.

I prayed that whoever was watching us would not attack this pack. I knew that they didn't need it, and if they did attack, then I hoped that I would be prepared to help keep my new pack safe. I didn't care what would happen to me. All I cared about was the innocent lives that needed protection.


"So..," Brody said, sitting down in a seat and pulling me next to him. "First off, why did you call me Majesty?" he asked, putting his head on my shoulder. His grip was a little tight, and I knew that he was nervous.

Ro and Ray looked at each other and shrugged. "Well, you are mated to the Princess, well Queen," Ro said, glancing at me before looking at my mate. "And, she hasn't rejected you."

"Nor did you reject her," Ray added. She glanced at the choker/collar around my neck and pursed her lips in disgust. "But we will have to worry about..." She moved her hand around her neck, and I frowned but nodded.

"What about it?" Katie asked, looking upset that Ray was looking disgusted at the collar. "She was my cat before this."

"She was our princess before she became your cat," Ray said, narrowing her eyes at the young child. "I do not even know why she accepted the collar. I know that she would have been able to esca-"

"Because she needed me,' the throaty voice of my tiger, Tigress, growled, and Ray, Ro, and Trevor submitted.

"Who the fuck was that?" Brody asked. He looked at me, weirdly. "Did you hear that?"

"That was Tigress," I replied. "She is my tiger spirit."

"Then why did we hear her?" Kaden asked. "Ours only talk to us in our time of need."

'Because, I am a cat and a queen,' Tigress replied, sarcastically, and I rolled my eyes. 'I can talk to others when I want to. All cats can, even half-breeds.'

Kaden looked at Trevor. "Can your cat spirit do that?" he asked.

Trevor nodded his head and frowned. "Unfortunately, I can't shift into my tiger form. However, he does say stuff when he is needed."

"Same with my lion," Ray added. She looked at me, and I knew that she was talking to Tigress. "But, Your Majesty, why does she need you?"

I ran my hand through Katie's hair when she tensed. I understood what Katie needed from me, even though she didn't like to say it out loud.

'Katie lost her mother, Princess. I am sure you know how that feels,' she replied, emphasizing the fact that they had lost their father. 'She is just a child that had her world turned upside down. She needs something stable.'

'Even though, we just shifted into a tiger and then a human in front of her,' I said. "I can, also, understand what she is going through," I added, and Trevor nodded in agreement. "I can help her go through the feelings of grief."

"But, you haven't had time to do that," Ro pointed out, and I shrugged. "Amity made sure of that."

"Amity made sure that I couldn't remember my parents. However, she made sure that I could still grieve as if the loss was real," I replied.

"Amity?" Brody asked, curiously.

I pursed my lips, not knowing how to describe the relationship between Amity and my clan. "She..."

"She was given to Kat's father as a gift from the King of the Warlocks," Trevor said. "She was ordered to serve the rightful ruler of the crown."

"My dad and mother did not treat her like a slave, much to Romanov's despair," I added. "She became like a family member to us."

'We can talk more in-depth about all of this later,' Tigress said. 'However, Ro and Ray, the spell is ending soon. You two need to go back to wherever you have been hiding. After we do the mark of betrayal on Romanov, then you will be able to spend more time here. Kat is going to need both of your help to train for the battle. I will do my best to help as well.'

Ro and Ray looked at each other, and I could see the debate in their eyes. They didn't want to leave me. They didn't want to separate the group that we had just gotten back. However, both of them knew that I could just order them not to come back.

Ro sighed and nodded his head. He opened his arms, and I went into them, followed by Trevor and Ray. "We'll be in touch," he said, kissing my forehead. He was the first to pull away, and I could see that he wanted to take me to where they were hiding, but they knew that they wouldn't be able to do that.

"Oh, before I forget," Ray said. She pulled a satchel from beneath her robe and handed it to me. "You need to start studying to become a Queen. You can't put it off any longer."

My throat closed up as I took the satchel from her. I didn't know if I would be a good queen or not, but I was going to at least try.

"There are pictures in there and other keepsakes," Ro said. "Romanov tried to destroy most of it, but Amity and Carver were able to save some."

"Is Carver alive?" I asked, wondering about the male that tried to teach me the stuff a long while ago.

Ro shrugged. "If he is, then he is not at the place," he replied, and my heart sunk. He cleared his throat and looked at my mate before looking at me. "Do you want me to tell Casper that you are alive?" he asked.

"Casper?" Brody asked, looking at me. "Who is he?"

I shook my head. "Not until we get Romanov marked," I replied. "If I don't then, Romanov will be able to use him against me."

"Well, you better make it quick. He is getting suspicious of us," Ro said.

"Who the hell is Casper?"

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