Chapter 14

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Trevor furrowed his brow in confusion. "Who is alive?" he asked. He looked as if he had an idea, but he didn't want to say it. He was afraid, and I couldn't blame him.

"My mom and your parents."

Trevor blinked and opened his mouth to say something. He closed it when he couldn't speak and looked helpless.

"How?" Carver asked. He furrowed his brows in confusion. "The bond broke."

"Can the bond be manually removed by a powerful witch or warlock?" I asked, and he nodded in confirmation. "I think that is what had happened."

"Let me see," Trevor said, and I shook my head, no. He scowled when I blocked the link from him, not wanting him to get as angry as Tigress had been. "Why not?" he demanded.

"It isn't pretty what he has done to them. Amity had no choice but to do what he had told her to do."

Trevor growled, his eyes flashing to those of his tiger. Anger started to come off him in waves, and I could tell that he disapproved of my answer. "Show. Me."

I set my jaw and looked at Carver. I was helpless in this situation because I did want him to see what I had seen, but I knew that it wouldn't be wise.


"If you see it, you will get us both killed," I said, interrupting him. "And, if you go do what I know you want to do, then I will have to force you not to go."

"And what? Leave them like prey?" Trevor asked. Anger filled his eyes as both his tiger and his wolf spirit got pissed.

"And what will I be if I don't wait?" I asked. "Do you really think that they will accept me if I run in guns blazing?"

"Some will," Trevor said. "I will."

I shook my head, no. "It won't be enough to get in and get out with all three of them. Let's not forget that Amity is being forced on his side and will kill us if we go in."

"And how do we stop her? Find whoever put a spell on her and kill them?"

"Uh, ya," I said. "I also need to learn the gifts that have been bestowed on me."

"And, in the meantime, we let them suffer? What type of queen is that?"

I gently placed Katie down on the ground and stalked over to my best friend. Anger filled my body as I looked at him, gritting my teeth together. "I think it is a queen that is thinking of all the clans and not just her family," I said, my voice turning darker.

Trevor stood his ground but stayed silent.

"I think it is the type of queen that knows we need backup, and we need to see who is on our side. I have no idea what I am working with. If I die, there is no hope."

"There is no hope for my mother and father and your mother. Romanov will kill them."

I shook my head, no. "He needs them. He is using them as bargaining chips."

"And how is he doing that?"

"He wants her dead," Carver said, his voice shaking with anger. "What better way than to get her out of hiding than to use her mother and your parents?"

Trevor looked at Carver and narrowed his eyes in disgust. "You want him to use your queen?"

"My queen is standing right there." He pointed at me. "The late queen gave up her position as soon as Romanov attacked that night and killed her mate. She knew that Romanov would either use her or kill her."

Trevor snarled. "If you aren't going to help me. Then I will get them by myself." He started to walk away from me but ended up on the wall instead.

I dug my claws into his neck, ignoring the soft gasps from some of the people in the room with us. "Do not make me," I warned, my eyes flashing a deeper green.

Trevor snarled and clawed at my hand. Both of us were in pain when he did that; each of us felt the other pain. "Let go," he growled.

I clenched his neck tighter and let out my powers. I watched as he fought my rank before submitting, deep hatred in his eyes. "I order you not to go after them," I said, power filling my voice. "I order you not to send anyone to get them. I order you not to coax anyone to get them. Please do not make me tell you not to tell others that they are alive because I will do that. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," he mumbled.

"I said, do. You. Understand?"

Trevor submitted lower as he stopped attacking my hands. "Yes, Your Majesty."

I let go of him, watching as he collapsed to the ground before me. I backed up and cut off the power, knowing full well that Carver had submitted as well. "Tr-"

He held his hand, silencing me. He looked up at me, his eyes filled with tears. "If they die, I will never forgive you." And with that, he left.


I was seated on a rock with Butch at my side. My heart was heavy with sadness because Trevor hadn't come to see me.

When I went to talk with him, his mate stopped me at the door and shook her head. She seemed to understand why I had done what I did and didn't blame me for what I had done.

I tried to study to become the best queen I could be, but I couldn't focus. I was supposed to be reading something this very minute, but instead, I had left the room, collected Butch, and was sitting in a spot that I had found the day before.

"Aren't you supposed to be reading something?" someone asked from behind me.

I didn't lift my head as I fiddled with a stick, writing incantations that I had actually remembered. "Aren't you supposed to be making sure that I study?"

Carver sighed and sat down beside me. "He'll come around," he said.

"When?" I asked. "Trevor hates my guts. I can feel his emotions, Carver." I looked at him, trying not to break down in tears. "He hates me. He doesn't want anything to do with me. What if he..?" I looked down at the ground in front of me, a tear falling out of my eye. "What if he doesn't want to be my second anymore?" I asked in a whisper.

"Do you really think that he will give up his birthright?" Carver asked.

I stayed silent and scribbled out the incantation.

"Katherine," he warned, and I winced.

"Well... ya," I said. "I mean... ya. I think he would give up his birthright."

"Did you promise never to use your rank over him?" he asked, and I hesitated but nodded. "Why?"

"I... might have used it on him once, and he didn't like it. He didn't speak to me for a whole week until I jumped on his back and said that I was sorry. I promised him that I would never do it again."

"And you did it."

"And I did it. I broke my promise to my best friend. What type of friend is that?"

"A friend that knows her friend will do something stupid if she didn't," Carver said. "I don't like it as much as him. However, I understand where you are coming from. You aren't ready to face Romanov yet."

"Do you think I will ever be ready to face him?"

Carver stayed silent and studied me with a thoughtful look. He nodded his head slowly. "Yes," he said finally. "I think, no I know, that you will be able to face him sooner or later."

I nodded, staying silent.

"So, Your Majesty," Carver said. "What is your plan?"

"Train and become the best queen that I can be," I replied right off the bat. "With or without Trevor at my side."

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