Chapter 32

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After Adrian submitted, Tigress let go of his hand and pulled away until I could take control of my body again. "Release it," I said, and he released it.

Clutching his hand to his chest, Adrian stayed in front of me with a bowed head. His heart pounded in his chest, and I could tell that he was afraid of me.

"I am sorry," I said, offering him a tired smile. "She doesn't like to be tested."

Adrian nodded his head, still keeping his head lowered. He was still kneeling, and I did not like that he was. He was a king, after all, a male that should be respected and, to some extent, my equal.

I moved my hand to the side, and the gem followed the gesture. I ignored its call, its beckoning, and held my hand out to the other male. "Here," I said. "Let me help you stand." I offered him a smile and nodded my head when all he did was lift his head and stared. "I don't bite," I said.

Adrian frowned but nodded. He placed his hand in mine, and I helped him stand. The other male stared at me and stayed silent, clutching his hand to his chest, the one that bound him to me.

"Let me see," I said, nodding to his hand to his chest. I let go of his hand and held out my hand for his. "Does it hurt?"

Adrian hesitated but offered me his hand, his palm face up, and a nasty looking spiral in the middle of it. The skin that made the spiral was red and puffy, and it looked painful, more painful than I had expected. "Yes," he grunted. "Your Majesty." He watched me study his new mark, his gaze cold, and his jaw set.

I nodded my head and placed my thumb on the center of the mark, ignoring Adrian's wince. Tapping in my power, I took in a deep breath and started to heal his wound, tracing his new mark.

Adrian relaxed when I finished tracing it; the mark did not look ugly any longer. He stayed silent and stared at me with guarded eyes, and I knew that I would have to earn his trust.

"Feel better?" I asked, letting go of his hand. "Is there any pain when you do this?" I wiggled my fingers and flexed my hand.

Adrian did what I did, told him to do, wiggled his fingers, and flexed his hand. "No, Your Majesty," he replied.

"Kat," I said, cringing when he called me by my title. "Please call me Kat. I still don't like the use of my title."

Adrian didn't reply but nodded his head. Silently, he asked if he could go back in front of his clan, and I nodded my head.

While he walked back to his clan, I walked to where my mate and group waited for me. A relieved smile appeared on my lips when Carver nodded his head, and I understood that he was proud of me for saying that I would give up my rank, even if he didn't understand it.

Brody wrapped his arms around me and placed a kiss on the side of my head. He offered me a smile, and I smiled at him, glad that I had the support of my mate, even though he didn't understand as well.

"I think we can agree that you will have your trial period," Aunt Arie said, and my mate and I looked at her. She clutched her mate's arm and looked excited to see me with my mate. Her blue eyes shone bright with happiness, and I knew that she wanted to go over and meet him. "Will this also be a trial period to your mate as well?"

I nodded. "Yes," I replied. I pulled away from my mate before I walked slightly forward with him in tow. "This is Brody Cleveland of the Variety Falls Pack, and he is the Alpha of the pack."

"If we do accept you as our High Queen, how will you two manage the clans and the pack?" someone asked. "How will your children handle everything as well?"

Murmurs of agreement filled the air around us, and I knew that they didn't want what had happened between my "uncle" and my father to happen now. They also didn't want me to have just one child, the need for separation of power strong.

"If need be, I will give up my position as Alpha and let my sister take over the pack," Brody said, instantly. "If we do keep all three positions, then we will work our hardest to provide for the wolves and the cats until we have children."

"We'll try to have multiple children so that there will be a separation of power, and one child will not have control over all three places," I added. "Only the Goddess knows that information."

"What if you have no children?" someone asked.

I shrugged and grimaced. I did not know what would happen if I didn't have kids. I had no idea if I had any other family members who would take my place as High Queen and knew that I would have to find an apprentice.

"Let's not worry about that," Auntie Arie said, glancing at the person who had spoken. She scowled and raised an eyebrow. "You doubted that the late High Queen would have any children, and Kathrine had been born healthy and very beautiful before you could go and promote yourself as High King, Dominic." She gave him a pointed look.

The male, Dominic, frowned and narrowed his eyes. "I do not know what you mean, Arianna," he replied. He stared at the stone, and a wave of something flashed through his eyes. "I merely promote myself as High King. I know I will be good at it." He took a step forward, entranced by the stone.

Quickly, I called the stone towards me and broke the connection between him and it. "I suggest you don't touch it, Your Majesty," I warned.

"Right right, of course." He cleared his throat and placed his hands behind his back. He still had that look in his eyes, and I knew that if he had the chance, then he would take the throne for himself.

"If you do not have enough children, who will take the throne?" someone asked. "Will we choose our new High King?"

"You all will choose," I replied, looking at them one by one. "However, if I may, I would like to be the one to have the final say." I looked at Dominic. "I would like it if a tyrant didn't take over or for the clans to break its unity."

Dominic scowled but didn't say a word. He knew that I didn't trust him and knew that it would be for the best if he didn't dig himself a grave and get placed into it. He wanted the power, but he wanted to live more, and I had a feeling that he would be my hardest critic.

"I think that we should vote now for her to have the training period," Aunt Arie said, and I looked at her. She offered me a grim smile and nodded. "Those that are in favor of her proving herself; kneel. Those that are not; don't. If she has a fair amount of people, then we shall let her collect her stone."

One by one, they kneeled before me until Dominic and someone, who I couldn't remember stayed, standing. Not a word was spoken while they submitted, and a wave of power washed over me, and I felt relieved.

"Thank you all," I said, bowing my head in respect. "I promise that you won't be disappointed." And with that, I took hold of my stone again and claimed the throne and my birthright as my own again.

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