.⠀۟⠀。 wish; chapter 3.⠀۟⠀。

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       ukyo was a part of the archery club. he had to go and look for his other members. but guilt would take him up if he left you alone, he bid you goodbye once he accompanied you to meet again with your friends.

        bidding you goodbye was enough, but for him to take you where your friends is, he went through all of that for you. absolutely driving you crazy. you knew he was a gentleman from the start, still the sound of your heart pounding was deafing you.

        "lunaaaa~" you whined and clinged to her, "why did you leave me alone?" you found yourself attached with the characters in the book, who knew it would be the same for this life.

          "you like ukyo-kun, right?" a smirk plastered on her face, you could also hear chrome and kohaku chuckling from behind. your flames lit up your cheeks, making you bright red. their laughter and giggling became louder. "how did you know?! wait no i dont!" more whining and denial came out of your mouth, trying to hide your face.

         "he'd probably hear you over here.." you whispered, looking left and right. you wished he didn't have that extreme hearing in this world, with luna's loud mouth he would really hear all her teasing with you.

           luna approached the science club booth, chrome behind was excited like a cute puppy wanting to play fetch—filling the forms and papers given to him, kohaku could only observe after telling everyone she already was accepted in the club. she won a hand wrestling with the president of the club, how scary. you tilted your head to luna, "his incredible hearing wouldn't hear you this far..." she looked around too, her head turning left and right, making sure he couldn't hear both of your conversations.

          you spoke too soon, of course he has it. "... hehe unless." she continued. the pink haired girl covered her mouth, you could still see the smirk on her face. you give her a look of disbelief, ukyo was nearby preoccupied with papers in his hands, looking our for students that might be interested in archery.

           "kukuku, there'd be a lot of new members to help with this year's project."

           you looked behind at who spoke, setting aside the fact you already knew who it was. the lettuce haired boy was picking his ears, phone in his hand. luna who was teasing you a while ago, looked away avoiding eye contact with him—face flushed. "ah, yes. i definitely forgot." it was your turn to laugh. you already read that part of the manga, you have watched her simp on him for a billion time. especially, that time with his surgery. it was a great time to tease her, "oh my, luna-chan. why are you looking away?" you purposely said loud enough for senku to hear.

           "[y-y/n]-chan! i-i-i am a capable gal!" her face was red and on her right hand was a pen. sadly, they weren't in a relationship in this world. you have been told that senku, in this world was still in 2nd year. luna in 3rd year.

       chrome turned to the radish haired boy, "this might be the president of the science club, i'll challange him just like kohaku did with her club." his confidence rose up, excited to battle the rasdish-head.

       "yo." he greeted. the ruby eyed boy only took a small glance at him, now looking back again to his phone—absolutely ignoring chrome. "just fill out the forms, do your introductions at the meeting." he sighed and placed his phone in his lab coat pocket, "only if there sure would be potential in you." that alone made chrome already think it was a challenge, he was definitely going to get in the club.

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